Happy First Week of School!
• All staff has morning supervision next
week. Please be outside by 8:55.
• Please turn in your
green emergency form to the office.
• Assessment Day Schedule: Ashely will place your assessment day schedule in your box by the end of the day. Please assign your missing families an open time and communicate this time to them early in the week. Please turn in your complete assessment schedule into the office by Friday so we can type final schedule for aides, office staff etc. Don't worry you will get this schedule back the following Monday.
• If you have not done so already, please send Jenny and Libby a copy of your schedule.
• If you have not done so already, please send Jenny and Libby a copy of your schedule.
• Please turn in your
class list with approximate DRA levels by Wednesday afternoon.
• For staff
development on Wednesday, please go to the conference room for a brief check in. The
remainder of the time will be yours to plan for your Back to School Night on August 20th at 6pm.
remainder of the time will be yours to plan for your Back to School Night on August 20th at 6pm.
Go For the Gold
• Thank you teachers
for your energy and enthusiasm last week!
We have the most amazing staff!
• Thank you to our Fab Four in the office! Janis, Anita, Elizabeth, and Christi! We
appreciate all of your hard work and rolling with the punches!
• Thank you Megan
Fleet for all of the time and energy you have put in to setting up all of the
• Thank you Ashley
Gray for your blog expertise and for all of the work you put in getting ready
for Assessment Days!
• Thank you Christy
Schwalick for helping everyone get ready for the first week of school!
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: M. Lewis/Martino Friday Treats: Specials
Morning Announcements:
Morning Supervision:
All staff the first week of school!