Sunday, April 20, 2014

We're all cheering you on Bev as you run Boston Marathon Monday!

April 2014

               Click here for GRE's professional development cite
• Certified employees: please make sure that you have singed up for your summative evaluation.  Your summative is different from your post observation, as it reflectives of all of your work for the year, not just your observation.
• Please inform parents who have shared input regarding their child's placement for next year  that they need to submit their information to Jenny in writing.  Please also share that we do not honor specific teacher requests.
• Please make sure the office is aware of any end of celebrations your classroom/grade level is planning in May as these will need to be placed on the school calendar.
• If you are leaving the building during school hours aside from getting lunch please make sure Kristi, Libby or Jenny are aware.  All staff members must sign out and in the office anytime they leave during the day (including lunch).
  Earth Day Activities
Recycled Artwork
Please have your class vote for the best recycled artwork and send your winner's name to the office by 3 on Monday.  We will have one winner per class.  We would appreciate it if you could have a parent volunteer help hang them outside your classroom.  If not, no worries!  A PTO mom will be happy to do it.  
Pennies for Trees
You also received a change bag in your mailbox.  We will be collecting coins for new trees at Gold Rush.  The tree we purchase from ‘Pennies for Trees’ will be planted at the end of the school year.
Visit from Firemen
The firemen will be at lunch recess on Tuesday, April 22nd.
  The last week of Library will be May 19th.  Students will still go to Library this week, but will not check out books. 

Go For the GOLD!
  Congratulations Kerry Dazzio on an amazing Art Show!
  Thank you Karen Petty for an outstanding Honor Choir performance!
  Thank you K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade teams for amazing writing conversations!
  Thank you Krisi Barta for leading all of the writing staff development the last two weeks.  You are a rock star!
  Thank you Karen Petty, Megan Fleet, and Ashley Gray for participating in the CITE 6 discussion.
  Thank you 4th grade team for a successful week of CMAS!

Golden Nuggets!
Lounge Duty: Kramer/Rude            Friday Treats:  No Treats!
Morning Announcements:  Hawk
Morning Supervision:  Shepperd, Marchese, Nelson, Braden, Hurley, Brands
Remember your lovely orange vest!

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...