Sunday, April 27, 2014

April / May 2014

Click here for GRE's professional development cite

  As you can see from the calendar, the end of April and May are full of end of year celebrations, field trips and special activities.  Please help us protect our remaining instructional time by limiting extra recess times (especially on Friday afternoon) or by extending existing recess times.
•  Please make sure the office is aware of any end of celebrations/activities your classroom/grade level is planning in May, as these will need to be placed on the school calendar.  This includes guest speakers, special events for parents, etc.
•  Golden Ticket Theater will be presenting The Little Mermaid on Friday, May 2nd.  K, 1, 2 will attend the show from 1:15-2:15.  Grades 3, 4, 5 will attend from 2:30-3:30.
•  If you have morning supervision, please be outside by 8:55.
•  5th Grade tours at Cimarron are on May 6th from 1:00-2:00.  On this day, 3rd grade and 5th grade will switch lunch/recess times.
  If you are leaving the building during school hours aside from getting lunch please make sure Kristi, Libby or Jenny are aware.  All staff members must sign out and in the office anytime they leave during the day (including lunch).
  The last week of Library will be May 19th.  Students will still go to Library this week, but will not check out books. 
  Talent Show Times on May 9th: 9:15-10:15 - White & Red Specials Groups
10:20-11:20 - Black & Gold Specials Groups 
  Choir Dress Rehearsal on May 16 - 3:15 Grades 3-5

Go For the GOLD!
  Thank you to our amazing office, Janis, Anita, Suzy, and Elizabeth, for taking care of our staff, students, and parents.  We appreciate you!
  Thank you Deborah Murray-Close, Margaret Cieply, Ashley Gray, Meghan Steckler, Jeannette Shepperd, Stephanie Brown, and Jamie Marchese for helping with interviews on Friday!
  Thank you Karen O’Day for working on next year’s schedule on Friday!
  Thank you 5th grade team for a successful week of CMAS!

Golden Nuggets!
Lounge Duty:         Dalcerri/Fleet     Friday Treats:  Third/Fourth
Morning Announcements:  Dalcerri
Morning Supervision:  Aldridge, Lewis, Castro, Evans, Rude, Isberg
Remember your lovely orange vest!

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...