March 2014
April 2014
The power points for 4cs rubrics and 21st Century Skills & Rubrics are attached to the PD cite.
• Please remember to complete the Respect at
Work training by Thursday, March 20th.
Please remember to select your rubric in InspirED by Thursday, March 20th.
• Please remember to submit additional evidence electronically for see Libby by March 20th.
Parent/teacher conferences are Tuesday, March 18th.
Great West Financial has awarded DCSD a
$200,000 grant to implement and enhance Personal Financial Literacy (PFL)
across the district. Through this grant
teachers will design lessons to provide sustainable learning that stretches
across content areas and incorporates 21st Century Skills. The district is looking for leaders and
members to develop plans for implementing all elements of PFL, to develop and
deliver PD for all elements of PFL, and to develop and implement the use of
authentic assessment for PFL. Please see
Libby if you are interested in applying to be a part of the cohort beginning
Fall 2014. There is a stipend for
members and leaders!
For the GOLD!
Thank you teachers for a great, first night of conferences! We truly appreciate all of the hard work and planning that goes into each
Thank you Janis, Anita, Elizabeth, and Suzy for Fun Friday in the
• Thank you for
Thank you Suzy Davidson for setting up the meals for conferences!
Thank you Mr. Tobey for setting up the cafeteria for
Thank you Kim Layton for covering classes!
Jeannette Shepperd – March 27th
Gail Golish – March 29th
Karen Petty – March31st
Lauren Rayens – April 6th
Lounge Duty: Hayes/Nelson Friday
Treats: No Treats
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Morning Supervision: Steckler, Wilson, Murray-Close, Simpson,
Fleet, Kramer
Remember your lovely orange vest!