dates: 3rd grade
Reading: February 11th and 12th.
3rd – 5th grade
Reading, Writing, Math: March 4th, 5th,
6th, 11th, 12th. • 4Cs & 21st Century Rubrics are on GRE's pd CITE.
Go For the GOLD!
• Thank you Kellyn Gray and Amanda Emmons for
covering classes on Friday!
• Thank
you Tobey for dealing with all of the snow!
• Teachers for sharing their great work during mid year meetings!
• Teachers for sharing their great work during mid year meetings!
Golden Nuggets!
Lounge Duty: Aldridge/Lewis Friday Treats: First/SecondMorning Announcements: Dalcerri
Morning Supervision: Aldridge, Gray, Castro, Evans, Rude, Isberg
Remember your lovely orange vest!