December 2013
• Please bring your students informational formative assessments and read bend 1 in your informational writing for your staff development day.
• We
will not have staff development this week for classroom teachers due to planning
days for writing.
• Accommodations for TCAP must begin this week. You do not need
to provide documentation for Science. Please
see Libby if you have any questions.
• If you have 2 observations please sign
up with your evaluator for your pre-observation, observation and post
observation. Your first observation must
be completed by winter break.
For the GOLD!
Thank you Kristi Barta for arranging all of the subs this week!
Thank you everyone for being flexible with your schedules for the
Thanksgiving feast!
Thank you Margie for mastering the mike during the Thanksgiving
• Thank you Karen Deal for dealing with the weather!
• Thank you Karen Deal for dealing with the weather!
Thank you Cindy Bell for going above and beyond to help all teachers
before, during, and after school!
Thank you Christy Schwalick for always having a ‘can do’ attitude.
Christy Schwalick – December 5th
Lounge Duty:
Marchese/Menk Friday
Treats: Fifth/Childcare
Morning Announcements: Fleet
Morning Supervision: Rossi, McMillan, Hayes,
Lautenbach, Dalcerri, Rayens
Remember your lovely orange vest!