Sunday, October 20, 2013

October 2013

Click here for GRE's professional development cite.

•  Please make sure you have signed up in the lounge for a Collaboration day this week. This is an opportunity to talk with special education teachers about your students. 
•  CITE support group will take place this Wednesday from 8:00-9:00 in the Gold Mine room. This is an optional, informal time to come and ask questions about CITE.  
•  Halloween Party:  Students will arrive at school in their costumes. They should NOT have weapons, masks or inappropriate costumes.  Parties will be held from 9:15-9:55.  We will begin the parade at 9:55 and it will end at 10:15. Regular classroom routine will resume at 10:30.  If you have students who do not wish to participate in the Halloween festivities, they can arrive at school at 10:30.  Parade route will be sent out this week.
•  Teachers, please begin thinking about who will need accommodations for TCAP.  In order to receive an accommodation, students must be on a formalized plan (IEP, 504, ELLP).
•  Please turn in Social Committee dues to Janis ASAP.  Full time certified staff owe $25 and part time or classified staff owe $12.50. 
• PTO is hosting a spirit day on Friday called color challenge. Each grade level will be assigned a color and the grade level that has the most students wear that color will receive an additional recess supervised by Jenny.  You will receive your color early this week. 

•  If you are interested in our PGI course, Writing in the 21st Century, please sign up this week.
•  World Class Education is offering five teachers the opportunity to attend the upcoming National Science Teachers Association conference.  If you are interested, please let Libby know by Friday.

Go For the GOLD!
•  Thank you teachers for all of your thoughtful work during assessment days!

Golden Nuggets!
Lounge Duty:  Kramer/Rude        Friday Treats:  SPED and SPED EAs
Morning Announcements:  Fleet
Morning Supervision: Rossi, McMillan, Hayes, Lautenbach, Dalcerri, Rayens

Remember your lovely orange vest!

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...