Week of April 27th
Monday:12:30-1:30 4th Grade Connections Via Zoom
1:30-2:30 5th Grade Connections Via Zoom
8:30-9:30 Kindie Connections Via Zoom
9:30-10:30 1st Grade Connections Via Zoom
10:30-11:30 2nd Grade Connections Via Zoom
11:30-12:30 3rd Grade Connections Via Zoom
7:45 ELL class
9:00 Office Mtg
9:45 EA 1 Mtg
1:00 SAC Mtg
1:00-2:00 Leadership Team Mtg
10:30-11:30 Sped Team Mtg
* Certified teachers will be learning how to use Google Meets on Monday. Please watch Megan's video and preview her power point before Monday.
* We are able to participate in Teachers' College Reading and Writing (Units of Study) training virtually this summer. We are currently gauging teachers' interest in this training, which will be offered July 7-10. Please complete this survey by Monday at 3.
* Click here for a draft of the master schedule for 2020-2021. Grade level teams will fill in content blocks on Monday.
* We would love team pictures like the one the office created above. You can compile individual photos (like the one shown above) or take one while on Zoom. Please send them our way when your team creates one. We would love to post them for students and families to see!
* If you are taking the ELL class, the assignment for this week is to read strategies 1 - 11 and respond to the two reflection questions listed in Google Classroom.
* Please invite Jenny, Libby and Kristi to your Zoom classroom meetings.
READ Plans
* All progress monitoring data from iReady must be current through spring break. These progress checks are entered under Goal 2 in the READ Plan Goals section:
You should have about three progress checks for Jan. - March.
Please also cut and paste the blurb below in the comments section under Additional Reading Services in the 'Other' box.
Due to the unprecedented situation created by COVID-19 reading support for students on READ plans will be done remotely through virtual reading groups. Our reading intervention team is providing support for readers three days weekly for 30 minutes each day. This is in addition to the one-one-one or small group instruction with the classroom teacher.
If you have any questions, please ask Stephanie or Libby.
*Here are optional EdTech Tool PD opportunities for Monday 4/27. A few of the topics include:
Grade Level Plans for Remote Learning* Certified teachers will be learning how to use Google Meets on Monday. Please watch Megan's video and preview her power point before Monday.
* We are able to participate in Teachers' College Reading and Writing (Units of Study) training virtually this summer. We are currently gauging teachers' interest in this training, which will be offered July 7-10. Please complete this survey by Monday at 3.
* Click here for a draft of the master schedule for 2020-2021. Grade level teams will fill in content blocks on Monday.
* We would love team pictures like the one the office created above. You can compile individual photos (like the one shown above) or take one while on Zoom. Please send them our way when your team creates one. We would love to post them for students and families to see!
* If you are taking the ELL class, the assignment for this week is to read strategies 1 - 11 and respond to the two reflection questions listed in Google Classroom.
* Please invite Jenny, Libby and Kristi to your Zoom classroom meetings.
READ Plans
* All progress monitoring data from iReady must be current through spring break. These progress checks are entered under Goal 2 in the READ Plan Goals section:
You should have about three progress checks for Jan. - March.
Please also cut and paste the blurb below in the comments section under Additional Reading Services in the 'Other' box.
Due to the unprecedented situation created by COVID-19 reading support for students on READ plans will be done remotely through virtual reading groups. Our reading intervention team is providing support for readers three days weekly for 30 minutes each day. This is in addition to the one-one-one or small group instruction with the classroom teacher.
If you have any questions, please ask Stephanie or Libby.
*Here are optional EdTech Tool PD opportunities for Monday 4/27. A few of the topics include:
- Google Forms w/ Google Classroom
- Flipgrid
- Creating Video / Screencasts
- Google Meet
- Google Jamboard
- Raz-Plus w/ Google Classroom
- STEMscopes Q&A
In addition to attending in person, if you are unable to attend live, you can view the recorded links that will be available after sessions. Relicensure opportunities are available for live and recorded attendance submitted through Sunday May 3rd.
* Here are APRIL 20th RECORDED PD. Attendance for recorded sessions should be completed by May 15th for credit.
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Grade Level Remote Learning Parent Sites
* Sarah Wilson will be attending graduate school for counseling full time next year! We are excited for her, but will miss her at Gold Rush. Congratulations Sarah!
* Mackenzie Villani will be working full time at South Ridge Elementary next year. We will miss you!
Kyla Jung - April 27th
Stacie Martino - May 2nd
Kim Cohn - May 2nd
Vicki Munson - May 3rd
* Thank you everyone for a great staff meeting!
* Thank you Jessalyn for putting together the tp video!
* Thank you Kristi Barta for putting together Quarantine Bingo!
* Thank you EAs for learning Zoom and meeting with individual students!
* Thank you teachers for creating a draft of placement lists!
* Thank you Megan for creating training tools for Google Meets!
* Happy Administrative Assistant day to our amazing office ladies!
* Click here to share teacher created videos across grades K-5.
* Thank you EAs for learning Zoom and meeting with individual students!
* Thank you teachers for creating a draft of placement lists!
* Thank you Megan for creating training tools for Google Meets!
* Happy Administrative Assistant day to our amazing office ladies!
* Click here to share teacher created videos across grades K-5.