Saturday, January 11, 2020

I Spy...
A stupendous second grade team!


This Week
* Jenny mid-year evals

* 7:30 Leadership team meeting
* Libby mid-year evals

* Revise READ plans

* 5th grade plan day
* Jenny admin meeting

* iReady progress monitor
* 2:45 MLK assembly

* We are organizing grade level books in the Gold Mine room. These are from our Digger Dash funds. Teams are working hard to organize their books. Please do not touch any books in the Gold Mine room.

* Below are the links to our math PD videos that were shared on Monday.

* For the MLK assembly, we will give each grade level a color to designate where to sit. This year, you will not have a specific dot for your class. Libby will let you know your color this week. Please remind students to enter and exit the assembly in silence.

* We are ready to begin our RtI behavior team. If you have any students you would like to bring, please click here for the paperwork.

* We will update READ plans during staff development on January 15th. Please come prepared with the following:
     Prioritized areas of need, ranked 1-6
     New goal based on iReady data if student has met previous goal
     Progress checks entered into Alpine

Click here for directions and cut scores for READ plans.

* Please do not drive on the wrong side of the road to enter the parking lot. Please do not enter the parking lot through the exit.

* Please complete your MOY self evaluation in InspirED by February 12th.

* Please take a peek at your mid year eval prior to your meeting. 

Go For the Gold
* A huge thank you to Shelbi, Jillianne and Kristen for allowing us to video tape you!
* Thank you Maren Bell for subbing on Friday!
* Thank you Shannon Terry for being willing to extend your day!
* Thank you Megan Fleet and Jenny Brown for helping with the Spelling Bee!
* Thank you Karen Petty and Karen Warner for relocating and sharing your space!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Warner/Petty

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...