Friday, September 27, 2019

October 2019

This Week
* 7:30 Lockdown training in the Gold Mine room
* 1:20 Lockdown drill


* No staff development
* 8:00-1:00 picture retakes

* Jenny admin meeting
* 9:30-1:30 3rd grade Plains Conservation Center
* 9:30-1:30 Kindie Pumpkin Patch
* Parent/teacher conferences

* 1st Grade plan day
* iReady progress monitor
* 2:45 Digger Dash assembly on the blacktop


Click here for a planning doc for workshops.  See below.

* Conferences are October 3rd and 9th. Click here for conference reminders and forms.  Please let Jenny or Libby know if you would like them to attend any conference.

* Lifetouch will be here on Wednesday for picture retakes from 8:00-1:00. They will come to your classroom to get students who want a redo.

* If you would be available to help with car loop Friday afternoon after Jenny and Libby have been slimed with spaghetti, it would be much appreciated!

* Please Take the Library Survefor the library collection alignment data.

Lockdown: There is danger inside the building.
    • Lock all doors
    • Keep all students silent and out of the line of sight of windows
    • Do NOT put green/red cards outside doors
    • Grab any student out of the hallway and into your locked classroom
    • You may not answer ANY knock at the door (student or teacher)
    • All classified and certified staff must remain in lockdown
    • There is a possibility that an alarm with an automated voice may announce the lockdown.   This is a true lockdown.

Lockdown Reminders
• Please make sure your classroom door is locked every day. If you need a blocker, please let Libby know.
• If the fire alarm is pulled during a lockdown, stay put in lockdown position unless you see/smell smoke.
• In the event of a real lockdown, Parker police will evacuate students from your classroom. 
• Never prop open any doors. 
• You do not need to keep track of missing students or email any students you know are missing. Your focus is with the students in your classroom.
• Know your classroom number.

* Our lockdown training will be Monday morning at 7:30 in the Gold Mine room. Our drill will be Monday at 1:20.

Happy Birthday
Heather Burggraff - October 3rd
Kim Gopsill - October 3rd
Christy Dismang - October 4th
Jen Dale - October 6th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Betsy Zankey, Michelle Wright, Jenn Poli, Kathryn Kramer & Lauren Rayens for sharing your expertise! You are amazing!
* Thank you Kristi Barta for organizing the lab visits!
* Thank you Fat Friday team for the delicious soups and potato bar!
* Thank you Karen Warner for setting up the Digger Dash track!
* Thank you teachers for taking attendance accurately!
* Thank you Megan Fleet for helping with a student!
* Thank you Jenny Brown and Rochelle Evans for covering a class!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Leuschner/Russell

Highlights from Technology CoTeaching with 3rd, 4th & 5th Graders

5th Grade
Content: Creating Reading Goals with action steps (Lucy Calkins connections)
Tech Tools: Piktochart & Screencastify

Fifth graders made their reading goals come to life. Each student created an infographic in Piktochart that outlined their reading goal, identified three specific action steps to complete their goal, and how they would know when they had completed their goals. In addition, they are monitoring their progress towards the goal on a google document with monthly check ins.

4th Grade
Content: Constructing Math Arguments (Envision structure/terminology)
Tech Tools: Google Slides & Screencastify

Fourth graders have been asked to construct math arguments often in their current Envision unit. We wanted to see if students could transfer what they had learned about constructing math arguments when responding to a specific 2020 state standard inquiry question regarding comparing numbers with missing digits. Students used Google Slides to visually see each step of constructing a math argument. Screencastify was then used for students to describe the thinking they used to solve the differentiated inquiry questions.

3rd Grade
Content: Crafting Personal Narrative Leads (Lucy Calkins structure) & Peer Revising 
Tech Tools: Google Document & Google Comments

Using personal narrative leads that third graders have been developing in class, we are diving in and learning all of the elements that a good digital writer would include. Skills include navigating inside their Digital Desk, Google Drive, by creating and sharing a Google Document and finding their own document and their writing partners document within Drive. As they typed on their document they learned how to unlock the powers of the keys, tab=indent, shift=reveals the hidden/mystery key linked to that key like 1!, the trackpad helps them scroll, highlight, and spell check. Students also learned how to leave each other writing feedback on an electronic sticky note. After our work together, students transferred the skills and independently created a google document and reflected on the process of collaborating digitally.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

I Spy...
Our Amazing 5th Grade Team!


This Week
* 1:40 Fire Drill

* Lab visits - Intermediate

* SD: READ Plans & Building Survey

* Libby admin meeting
* 12:00-3:30 Jenny admin meeting
* Current READ Plans are due

* Digger Dash
* Fat Friday - Soup & Potato Bar

* Please plan on attending staff development on Wednesday. We will be finishing READ plans, discussing conferences & completing a culture/climate survey.

* Parent/Teacher conferences will be on October 3rd & October 9th. You must block out your times in Canyon Creek by Monday, September 23rd at midnight.

* Click here for the Mini-lesson Template with Sentence Frames.

Digger Dash Schedule - September 27th
7:30-8:45  Set Up (PTO & Parent Volunteers)
8:50-9:00  Stretching (Kindergarten)
9:00-9:15  15 Min Race begins (Kindergarten)
9:15-9:25  Stretching (1st & 2nd grades)
9:25-9:55  30 Min Race starts (1st & 2nd grades)
9:50-10:00  Stretching (3rd & 4th grades)
10:00-10:45  45 Min Race begins (3rd & 4th grades)10:40-10:50  Stretching (5th grade)
10:50-11:35  45 Min Race starts (5th grade)11:30-12:00  Clean up outside (PTO & Parent Volunteers)
10:30-2:30  Tally laps for Awards (Start tallying early races)

* Please make sure students bring their water bottles outside to Digger Dash.

Happy Birthday
Justin Brakefield - September 23rd
Jenny Brown - September 24th
Jillianne Mancini - September 24th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Bree Roon, Betsy Zankey & Stacie Martino for allowing colleagues to observe your amazing teaching!
* Thank you Shelbi Westra and Jessalyn Russell for organizing the student council speeches and election!
* Thank you Karen Warner for letting us use your space!
* Thank you Kristi Barta & Bree Roon for sharing your Lucy learning with the staff! It was awesome!

* Thank you everyone for your participation in our PLC day!

Updated pic of Rosie Hardin!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Steinher/Jung

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Spy! 
How many staff kids can you spy?
More pics to come!


This Week
* 8:00-8:30 Flu clinic

* Primary Lab Visits

* SD: Update current READ Plans

* 2nd grade plan day
* 11:20-12:20 Student Council assembly for 4th & 5th grade
* SAC meeting

* PLC Day

* The nurse will be in the Gold Mine room on Monday, 9/16, to administer flu shots from 8:00-8:30. Please bring your insurance card.

* Students who need to take the iReady probe will be pulled during your RtI time on Monday.

* Please let Libby know if you are unable to see your iReady Math scores.

* Picture retake day is October 2nd. Staff retakes will be available starting at 8:00 am.

* The Social Committee is planning fun activities each month, including happy hours, birthday celebrations, contests, shout outs, return of the beverage cart, and much more.  Subscribe to the Social Committee google calendar to stay up to date.

Tech Norm Reminder
Students & Teachers please be diligent that there is no food or water around your tech devices.

When taking teacher laptops back and forth each day, keep food/water bottles in a separate bag to prevent spills.

* If you would like to be the Spelling Bee coordinator, please let Libby know. This is a stipend position and is open to certified or classified.

Welcome Lillian June-Pearl Steinher!

Lily was born September 14th. She weighed 8 lbs and was 19 in. Congratulations Mary Beth!

Digger Dash Schedule - September 27th
7:30-8:45  Set Up (PTO & Parent Volunteers)
8:50-9:00  Stretching (Kindergarten)
9:00-9:15  15 Min Race begins (Kindergarten)
9:15-9:25  Stretching (1st & 2nd grades)
9:25-9:55  30 Min Race starts (1st & 2nd grades)
9:50-10:00  Stretching (3rd & 4th grades)
10:00-10:45  45 Min Race begins (3rd & 4th grades)10:40-10:50  Stretching (5th grade)
10:50-11:35  45 Min Race starts (5th grade)11:30-12:00  Clean up outside (PTO & Parent Volunteers)
10:30-2:30  Tally laps for Awards (Start tallying early races)

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Angel, Josh, Anita, Kristi, Gail, and Catherine for planning fun, connecting activities for us all!

* Thank you Megan Fleet for covering a class!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Burggraff
Lounge Duty: Roon/Schultz

Sunday, September 8, 2019

I Spy!
How many staff kids can you name?
More staff kids to come!

September 2019

This Week
* Jenny Goal Setting
* 9:00-10:00 3rd Grade Cogat

* Jenny Goal Setting
* 9:00-10:00 3rd & 5th Grade Cogat

* Libby Goal Setting
* SD: 2020 State Standards
* 9:00-10:00 3rd & 5th Grade Cogat

* 3rd Grade Plan Day
* 11:00-4:00 Jenny admin meeting
* 9:00-10:00 5th Grade Cogat

* All Mandatory Trainings Due

Contact Information:
* David Ray's contact information: 720-666-0738 .
* Jenny Brown's cell:  720-612-1663

* Teachers grades 1-3, please identify your students who fell below the cut score on iReady who are NOT currently on a READ plan. These students will test in small groups on September 16th. The schedule will be in next week's Barker.

* Click here for the full Cogat schedule.

* If you have not paid your Social Committee dues, please give Anita cash or a check. Dues are $30 for certified and $15 for classified and part time employees.

Happy Birthday
Kaleigh Schultz - September 15th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Leadership team for your time and insight!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Graham/Munson

Sunday, September 1, 2019

I Spy!
How many staff kids can you spy?More staff kids to come!

September 2019

This Week
No school!

* 7:30 Leadership Team Meeting

* 7:30 Staff Meeting in the Gold Mine room
* Goal Setting with Libby

* 4th Grade Plan Day
* Jenny Admin Meeting


* Please RSVP to the Strategic Plan Kick off at the Pepsi Center by September 4.  All staff are welcome to attend!  Click here for the RSVP.

* We will have a staff meeting Wednesday morning at 7:30 around 2020 standards & CITE.  Please still come!

* Please sign up for your goal setting meeting by clicking here (certified staff).

* Please complete classroom assessment pages and enter data into IC by Sept 4 (certified staff).  Data will be shared with parents during parent teacher conferences.

* Please stick to the normal schedule as much as possible.  The schedule was created to ensure students with additional support are able to participate in all mini lessons.

* Please do not remove items that belong in the copy room.

* We are still in need of people willing to serve on our RtI committee. Please let Stephanie Brown know if you are interested!

* There are books in Libby's office. If you are in need, feel free to take whatever you would like.

* September is almost here - as we enter the school year we just wanted to send out a reminder about our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that the district offers.  It is a no cost service provided to all DCSD employees. This program offers legal and financial advice, free counseling services (up to 6 face-to-face sessions - per need - and is available for anyone that lives in your household - kids, extended family, etc.) and life services (help with locating elder care, child care, pet care, health and wellnesses resources, etc.)  You can find more information by going to our district website and looking under the benefits link for the Employee Assistance Program. Ann is also available to answer any questions you have or help walk you through it!

Happy Birthday
Rochelle Evans - September 3
Megan Fleet - September 4
Jamie Marchese - September 7

Go For the Gold
* Thank you to everyone who helped with assessment day!
* Thank you Stacey Baird & Jamie Marchese for serving on the GT team!
* Thank you Shelbi Westra & Jessalyn Russell for facilitating Student Council!
* Thank you Fat Friday team for the amazing BBQ lunch!
* A huge shout out to all of our Digger Dash assembly participants!
Megan Fleet & Michelle Wright completed the Broncos 7K. Impressive!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Miller/Wilson

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...