Sunday, August 11, 2019

We are Gold Rush. Our pictures tell our story.

August 2019

This Week
* First Day of School for Kindergarten
* 8:45 Tears & Cheers in cafeteria for Kindie parents

* 7:30 Leadership Team Mtg.
* 8:45 PTO Mtg.
* 2:20 Fire Drill

* SD (Staff Development During Specials) - Fall Reading Assessments
* 9:45-10:30 All 4th Grade Specials - Band & Orchestra Presentation
* 10:30-11:15 All 5th Grade Specials - Band & Orchestra Presentation
* 2:45-3:30 All 3rd Grade Specials

* Jenny admin meeting


* Please send your class checklist with Emergency Forms to the office by Wednesday.

* On Monday, you will get a current Assessment Day schedule in your box. Please reach out to your parents who have not signed up one more time.

* For the first fire drill on Tuesday, cones will be set up on the field with your name designating where your class should line up.

* Please make sure students have signed their device contracts before using their device. You can keep these in your classroom. Click here for the incident report.

* We will review reading administration guidelines during staff development on Wednesday. This will include printing iReady cards, reviewing iReady administration and DRA/F&P agreements.

* Click here for recess norms.  These should be followed during second recess.
Click here for the school norms.
* Click here for our Tech norms.
* Staff members' children should always be with you in your room.
* Please send lunch tub helpers to get your lunch tubs right after recess.

* Click here to register for the mandatory training modules. You will need to find Gold Rush's link to register. This is on page three. These modules need to be completed no later than September 14th.

* Please see the list of items to recycle and those that should go in the garbage.

·         Paper products
·         Cardboard free of food contaminants
·         Aluminum cans that have been rinsed out
·         Starbucks plastic drinking cups that have been rinsed out
·         Plastic drinking bottles with the cap on them
·         Cups with plastic or wax coatings
·         Any sandwich, freezer, or snack bag
·         Any juice/milk pouch or box
·         Plastic grocery or garbage bags
·         Any soiled or wet paper becomes trash
·         Ziploc bags and chip bags
·         Food wrappers from breakfast sandwiches and pastries
·         Plastic containers with above items or remnants of salad dressing
·         Plastic flatware with any of the above residue on them


Front row, left to right: Jan Francis, Katie Schmidt, Alice Boutilier, Casey Anderson, Stacey Baird, Shawna Redler, Vicki Munson, Kyla Jung
Back row, left to right: Grace Furr, Matt Weidner, Heather Burggraff, Maya Bethea, Molly Trent, Kaliegh Schultz, Linda Harrison, Christina Kaufman
Not pictured: Emily Bezenar and Maren Bell (coming next week!)

Happy Birthday
Bree Roon - August 16th
Kristen Leuschner - August 18th

Go For the Gold

* Congratulations Alex Van Drew, our new kindergarten EA 5, on her wedding! Welcome to GRE!
* Thank you Cindy Bell for covering crosswalk and helping with our Go For the Gold assembly!
* Congratulations to everyone for a great start!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Padrnos/Redler

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...