Friday, September 28, 2018


This Week

* 7:30 Lockdown training in the Gold Mine room
* 11:00 Lockdown drill


* Parent/Teacher conferences
* 1st grade plan day
* Jenny admin meeting

* 2:45 Digger Dash celebration

* Kindergarten teachers, please administer the iReady probe to students who fell below the cut score by Friday, October 5th.

* We will have our Digger Dash egging ceremony on Friday, October 5th. Please bring your class to the front playground at 2:45.

Click here for how to edit READ plans, including where to enter progress monitoring data, parent communication and how to print the report. See Libby if you need help.

* i-Ready data will be available after October 14th.

* Conferences:  The leadership team determined we would all share the following information with parents during conferences:

* Students DRA level 
* The DRA range for the grade level
* The characteristics of the different DRA levels 
* A current writing sample
* A celebration and goal for reading, writing and math

We were not going to share I READY reports for math or reading as this is a new assessment for us.  We decided we would refer to this for certain students and situations.

* Please let Jenny or Libby know if you would like them to attend a conference.

Walktober is here and it is time to get moving!  If you haven't signed up already, go to to register for Walktober today!  We begin logging steps or activity minutes on Monday, October 1st (but you can sign up through 10/5). Good luck!

* DCSD employees receive discounts on various services/items. Click here for the employees discount page. 

District Lock Down Training - 
Please inform your students of the following:
*If they were not in their classroom when a lockdown was announced on the overhead that they would run to the closest room or hiding spot.
* If they were in the bathroom students are told to remain in a locked stall with their feet up.
* If they are outside they need to run away from the school and find a safe spot until safe person finds them.

October Count
The process is simplified this year:
  • Official Count Day:  Tuesday, September 25
  • Eleven Day Window:  Tuesday, September 18 - Tuesday, October 2
  • Make sure you are taking attendance in IC in your class during the eleven day window.  If you are having problems with IC during that time, please let Christi Dismang know.
  • If you have a substitute during the eleven day window, we will give your sub a Sub Attendance Roster for them to take attendance on.  They need to sign the bottom of the form, and we will keep it for our records.  

We are still in need of a Spelling Bee coordinator. You will receive a stipend for this position! Please let Libby know if you are interested. 

Happy Birthday
Kim Gopsill - October 3rd
Christi Dismang - October 4th
Jen Dale - October 6th
Amanda Widdeson - October 11th
Megan Wallace - October 13

Go For the Gold
* Thank you for a great, first night of conferences. We appreciate all of the time and thought you put into them!
* Thank you Fat Friday team for the delicious soup and potato bar!
* Thank you Elizabeth Meuli for all of the painted hearts!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Anderson/Graham

3rd Grade Technology CoTeaching
Third grade readers are remarkable! They took an interim assessment from Lucy, revised their thinking, learned various digital editing tools like, scrolling, spelling, capitalization, indenting, punctuation, and growing text boxes while publishing their revised work. After typing their responses students learned how to share a google document with their Literacy Partners. Then these brave collaborators digitally provided feedback on their partner’s reading reflection using a checklist that combined items from Lucy’s Reading Progressions & Lucy’s Editing Checklist. To communicate meaningful feedback, students used the comment feature within Google Documents.
You can imagine minds were blown this week; kids & teachers alike.
Click HERE to listen to a 3rd grade student describing our work together.

Sunday, September 23, 2018


This Week

* 1:00-3:00 Jenny admin meeting

* SD - On your own
* Kindie field trip to the Pumpkin Patch

* Parent/teacher conferences
* 2nd Grade plan day
* Libby admin meeting
* Jenny out

* 8:00-10:00 Libby SAC meeting
* Progress monitor i- Ready
* Jenny out
* Fat Friday Soup & Potato Bar

* We will progress monitor all READ plan students the last Friday of every month. Feel free to progress monitor any students you think would benefit from more practice.

Click here for how to edit READ plans, including where to enter progress monitoring data, parent communication and how to print the report. See Libby if you need help.

* Conferences:  The leadership team determined we would all share the following information with parents during conferences:

* Students DRA level 
* The DRA range for the grade level
* The characteristics of the different DRA levels
* A current writing sample
* A celebration and goal for reading, writing and math

We were not going to share I READY reports for math or reading as this is a new assessment for us.  We decided we would refer to this for certain students and situations.

Please let Jenny or Libby know if you would like them to attend a conference.

October Count
The process is simplified this year:
  • Official Count Day:  Tuesday, September 25
  • Eleven Day Window:  Tuesday, September 18 - Tuesday, October 2
  • Make sure you are taking attendance in IC in your class during the eleven day window.  If you are having problems with IC during that time, please let Christi Dismang know.
  • If you have a substitute during the eleven day window, we will give your sub a Sub Attendance Roster for them to take attendance on.  They need to sign the bottom of the form, and we will keep it for our records.  
If you are interested in being our Spelling Bee coordinator, please let Libby know.

Happy Birthday
Justin Brakefield - September 23rd
Jenny Brown - September 24th
Jillianne Mancini - September 24th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Justin Brakefield and Karen Warner for helping set up/clean up Digger Dash! It is greatly appreciated!
* Thank you Kelly Broecker for helping with the banners!
* Thank you Bree Roon, Stacie Martino, and Michelle Anderson for allowing others observe your amazing teaching!
* Thank you Stephanie Brown and Bree Roon for allowing us to video tape you!
* Thank you all for an amazing PLC day! It is amazing to be a part of such a talented, reflective staff who are always wanting to learn!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Roon/Wilson

4th Grade Technology CoTeaching 
4th Graders used Seesaw to communicate their understanding of numerical patterns. Students created posters that had factor pairs listed and built as an array for a given number. To communicate their understanding, students reflected on the strategies they used to determine each factor pair and explained how they would know when all factor pairs had been found. After recording their videos, students listened to other videos and created a list of qualities for great videos. They then reflected on their use of Seesaw as a way to communicate the critical thinking they used to find factor pairs. Please see a few samples of student work below.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Way to represent Gold Rush at MuckFest!


This Week
* 11:20-1:30 Flu shots in the Gold Mine room

* 7:30 Leadership Team meeting
* Teacher Lab Visits - Primary

* SD: On your own

* Digger Dash - see info below
* Jenny admin meeting

* PLC day - Click here for the agenda

Click here for how to edit READ plans, including where to enter progress monitoring data, parent communication and how to print the report. See Libby if you need help.

* Please make sure your blogs are updated. Our norm is to update these monthly and blogs should include upcoming content and tips for parents at home.

* New teacher lab visits for primary will be on Tuesday. Click here for the schedule. Libby will cover your class when needed.

* If you have any conferences that you would like Jenny or Libby to attend, please let them know.

* Our official student count day is September 25th. Please make sure your attendance is accurate on this day.

Digger Dash
* Instead of spending $1,000 on paper cups, we are asking students to bring their clearly labeled water bottles. Please put the bottles in your buckets and bring them down to stretching. Volunteers will set up the water bottles on tables so students can easily find them. Please communicate this to your families.

* Bring your digger dash banner down to the conference room by Wednesday at noon.
Stickers to track students' laps will be in your box on Wednesday. Please put these on their sleeves Thursday morning before you bring your class down to stretching.

* Schedule
8:45-9:00      Stretching (Preschool & Kindergarten)
9:00-9:15      Race (Preschool & Kindergarten)
9:10-9:25      Stretching (1st & 2nd grades)
9:25-9:55      Race (1st & 2nd grades)
9:50-10:00    Stretching (3rd & 4th grades)
10:00-10:45  Race (3rd & 4th grades)
10:40-10:50  Stretching (5th grade)
10:50-11:35  Race (5th grade)

Happy Birthday
Tobey Vogt - September 20th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Ashley Peterson and Megan Wallace for administering the i-Ready probe.
* Thank you for coming prepared for your READ plan session. The thought you are putting into meeting your students' needs is appreciated!
* Thank you Kelly Broecker, Jenn Poli, and Ashley Dalcerri for taking a risk and sharing your expertise!
* Thank you Tammy Simpson, Krista Hardin, and Justin Brakefield for helping with Cogat!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Leuschner
Lounge Duty: Miller/Reeves

Friday, September 7, 2018

Congratulations Karen Petty on the arrival of your new grand baby!

Harlow Reign Donovan
Born Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 10:31p.m.
7 lbs 5oz


This Week
* Read Plans
* 9:00-10:00 3rd grade Cogat
*11:00-12:00 5th grade Cogat

* New Teacher Teacher Lab Visits - Intermediate

* 9:00-10:00 3rd grade Cogat
* 11:00-12:00 5th grade Cogat

* 3rd grade plan day

* 9:00-10:00 3rd grade Cogat
* 11:00-12:00 5th grade Cogat

* Click here for the READ Act schedule for Monday.  Please come with your yellow READ act planning doc and your charged computer.  Click here for the power point presentation and click here for growth and stretch goals. Please come prepared and on time as the schedule is very tight.

* New teacher lab visits will be on Tuesday. Click here for the schedule. Libby will cover your class when needed.

* On a delayed dismissal please do not release students to siblings that are younger than18 years old.

* Click here for the RtI paperwork. Click here for an example.

* Please make sure all reading data has been entered into IC. Please share your reading data sheets with Jenny, Libby and Kristi if you have not done this yet.

* Please remember staff areas, including the lounge and staff bathrooms, are for staff only.

5th Grade Technology CoTeaching

3-2-1 LUCY! Fifth graders blasted off with Lucy this week by creating personal reading goals. To communicate their goals, students created an infographic using Piktochart and explained their infographic by recording their voice in Screencastify.

Each Infographic communicated:
* Specific reading goal
* How the reading goal will help them be a better reader?
* The four action steps they will take to accomplish their goal.
* Evaluating if they completed the goal and what they will do next.

Projects were then published in Google Classroom so students could hear other reading goals and action plans.

Please take a minute to listen to student chosen examples.

Go For the Gold
* Thank you for your thoughtful participation during our staff meeting.

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge Duty: Zankey/Martino

Saturday, September 1, 2018


This Week
No school!

* 7:30 Leadership team meeting in the Gold Mine room
* 3rd grade to Plains Conservation Center

* 7:30 Staff meeting in the Gold Mine room

* 4th grade plan day
* Jenny admin meeting

* Mandatory trainings due by today!
* 12:00-3:30 Jenny feeder meeting

* Please make sure you have signed up for your goal setting meeting. Please come to the meeting with an idea of a personal goal and ways we can support you. Please also bring your students' hard copies of their DRA/F & P assessments. 

* Please make sure you have shared your reading data sheets.

* Please bring your computer to the staff meeting on Wednesday. 

Happy Birthday
Rochelle Evans - September 3rd
Megan Fleet - September 4th
Jamie Marchese - September 7th

Mandatory Trainings
All DCSD staff are required to complete 6 online mandatory trainings. Please register for the trainings using your DCSD district username and password. If you do not know your single sign on, please contact IT Support at 303-387-0001. All 6 mandatory trainings segments are built into 1 online session.

Search InspirED for the Online Mandatory Training specific to your school or district department using the picture link (sample image below) located in the right navigation pane.

Please scroll to find your site location.*If you work at multiple locations, select the location where you will be evaluated. The 2018-2019 Mandatory Trainings will be open for completion starting July 1, 2018 and are to be completed by September 7, 2018.

Go For the Gold
* Thank you everyone for a great assessment day! We appreciate your flexibility with only having one day.
* Thank you Tobey for setting up for all the events this week.
* Thank you Kylee and Ashley for facilitating the student council assembly!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Padrnos/Mancini

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...