Sunday, April 29, 2018

Update of Lou!


This Week

* Assess All K-3 Students & READ Act Students on I Station

* Assess All K-3 Students & READ Act Students on I Station 
* Staff Development @ Gold Mine Room - Placement
* 2nd grade field trip to Castlewood Canyon
* 9:00-10:00 5th grade Legend Children’s Theater production in the gym.

* Jenny - Admin Meeting

* Jenny's Out
* 9:15 - 1:15 3rd Grade science trip to Cimarron

* Please approve your summative evaluation in InspirED between May 4 - May 13.
* ALL CITE 6 Data was due on Friday.  Please make sure your scores are all inputed.

* Please assess all K-3 students & READ Act Students on I Station on May 1st or 2nd
* PLEASE make sure you enter your DRA/F&P data into IC by May 1st. 

* We will begin the placement process by placing special education / high needs students
* Please bring all completed placement cards to the Gold Mine Room

* Please be at the front of the line when you walk your students out of the building at the end of the day. 

Happy Birthday
Stacie Martino - May 2nd
Kim Cohn - May 2nd
Mel Berry - May 5th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Karen Petty for an amazing talent show!
* Thank you Megan Fleet and Karen Warner for covering car loop!
* Thank you Fat Friday team for the delicious taco bar!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Dazzio/Warner

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Congratulations to our amazing Apple Award winners, Jen Dale and Stacie Martino!


This Week
* Jenny summative evals

* Libby summative evals

* 7:30 Input CITE 6 data support session
* Jenny summative evals

* Libby summative evals

* Talent Show - see below for more info
* Fat Friday - Cinco de Mayo taco bar

* PLEASE make sure you enter your DRA/F&P data into IC by May 1st. 

* Please be at the front of the line when you walk your students out of the building at the end of the day. 

* Intermediate Teachers: Please see the Tech Extra Plan time schedule for your time. 

* The district is moving to a new printer system called Paper Cut on April 24th. You will not be able to print from the large printers from 10:30-12:30 on April 24th. You will also need to meet with Megan at the office copier prior to printing for the first time. She will be available on the 24th from 12:30 -3:15.

* Please make sure all CITE 6 data is entered by the morning of April 25th. If you do not have it entered, please plan on attending the support session at 7:30 on 4/25. Don't forget to bring your data.
Click here for directions on how to enter CITE 6 data. 

* Please remember the summative rubric states that all 4cs should be planned for, assessed and taught by the end of the year. Please plan on bringing artifacts of this work to the meeting if you have them. 

* Please administer Istation to ALL K-3 students and any 4th & 5th graders who are on READ plans on either May 1st or 2nd. We will collaboratively update current plans and write new plans on May 7th & 8th. We will have a rotating sub for this process. Please continue to progress monitor these students in Alpine.

Talent Show April 27
First and Second Grade classes: please supervise your children during the talent show. You will have regular afternoon specials.

9:15- 10:15 - Wilson, Martino, Steinher, Graham, Meier, Woolums, Anderson

10:30 - 11:30 Roon, Robart,

Third -Fifth Grade Classes: Please take your students and get them settled in the gym and take 40 minutes for your plan time while your children are being supervised by specials teachers. You will not have regular morning specials -  your plan time will be during the talent show. 

9:15 - 10:15 Holtzer, Westra, Hawk, Lautenbach 

10:30 - 11:30 McMillan, Meredith, Shepperd, Russell, Kramer, Poli, Broeker, Dalcerri, Rayens

Information for Next School Year

* Schedule for 2018-2019

* Opening Week for 2018-2019 - All Staff Return August 2

* Notes from Leadership Team Meeting

Go For the Gold
* A huge thank you to our leadership team for their time and contributions!
* Thank you Karen Petty for an amazing EARTH day assembly!
* Thank you Jeannette Shepperd, Kelly Broecker, & Bev Holtzer for your flexibility!
* Thank you Mel Berry and Jen Borchert for administering CMAS make-ups!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Shepperd/Fleet

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Thank you Kerry Dazzio for our amazing art case at Legend High School!


This Week
* Lockdown & Fire Drill

* Leadership team meeting

SD: Team time

* 9:00-1:00 First grade field trip to Botanic Gardens
* 2:30 Earth Day assembly

* No school!

* Intermediate Teachers: Please see the Tech Extra Plan time schedule for your time. Because it is a shortened week, please note that your times may vary the following week.

* Our Earth Day all-school sing along will be on Thursday at 2:30. Click here for the seating chart.

* Please administer Istation to all K-3 students and any 4th & 5th graders who are on READ plans on either May 1st or May 2nd. We will collaboratively update current plans and write new plans on May 7th & 8th. We will have a rotating sub for this process. Please continue to progress monitor these students in Alpine.

* We will input CITE 6 data in InspirED during a staff meeting on Wednesday, April 25th at 7:30. Please come with your data. You do not need to attend if your data is inputted by the morning of the 25th.  

* The District is moving to a new printer system called Paper Cut on April 24.  You will not be able to print from the large printers from 10:30-12:30 on April 24.  You will also need to meet with Megan at the office copier prior to printing for the first time.  She will be available on the 24th from 12:30-3:15 (in the office) or the morning of April 25.

* We are excited for the talent show on Friday, April 27.  Specials teachers will supervise your class if this is your planning time.  Please see the performance schedule below:

1 Wilson, 1 Martino, 2 Steinher, 2 Graham, 2 Meier, 2 Woolums, 2 Anderson,  4 Holtzer, 4 Westra, 5 Hawk, 5 Lautenbach


1 Roon, 1 Robart, 3 McMillan, 3 Meredith, 3 Shepperd, 3 Russell, 4 Kramer, 4 Poli, 5 Broeker, 5 Dalcerri and 5 Rayens

Happy Birthday
Shannon Wilde - April 17th
Alyssa Castillo - April 22nd

Go For the Gold
* Thank you everyone for a successful testing season!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge Duty: Meredith/Russell

Sunday, April 8, 2018


This Week
* CMAS testing

* CMAS testing
* SD: Workshop and Thinking Strategies

* CMAS testing



* If you have not done so yet, please give Libby your finalized EPR sheet for spring semester.

* We will input CITE 6 data in InspirED during a staff meeting on Wednesday, April 25 at 7:30.  Please come with your data.  All data will need to be inputted into the system by Friday, April 27.

* Please administer Istation to ALL K-3 students and any 4th & 5th graders who are on READ plans on either May 1st or 2nd. We will collaboratively update current plans and write new plans on May 7th & 8th. We will have a rotating sub for this process. Please continue to progress monitor these students in Alpine.

* Please schedule your summative evaluation for the week of April 23 with Anita if you have not done so already.  The rubric states that all 4cs should be planned for, assessed and taught by the end of the year.  Please plan on bringing artifacts of this work to the meeting if you have them.

* 5th grade Science - 10:00-11:45
* 4th grade Math - 1:30-3:00
* Please ensure all students who receive text-to-speech for Science or Math have headphones. Please provide students with scratch paper.
* Please remember to charge your devices for CMAS each day!
* Please cover all math and science related items on your walls. Don't forget to remove name tags.

* Field day will be May 22nd for Kindergarten and May 23rd for 1-5 grades.

Creating balanced class lists that meet the needs of all students is a difficult endeavor.  This process involves hours of thoughtful dialogue between classroom teachers, administrators and other staff members.  We know that creating a strong learning environment is essential to students’ success and we therefore take this responsibility seriously.  Please be assured that we take each child into consideration.  Please see our process below.

·     Teachers identify the social and academic needs of each student.  They refer to existing data and record pertinent information to assist them in their decision-making.

·     Teachers meet as grade level teams to form class lists that are balanced.  Balanced classrooms meet each student’s academic, social and emotional needs.  Teachers consider each child’s personality, academic strengths, needs and friendships. Learning specialists, the specials team and administration also collaborate with classroom teachers to provide feedback.

·     Each grade level team types several drafts of class lists.  I review final lists to ensure all parent input has been considered.  Classroom teachers approve any changes I suggest given parent feedback to ensure classes remain balanced. 

·     Class lists are finalized in mid July to reflect the addition of students joining Gold Rush in the summer.

This process is consistent across grades K-4.  Our 5th grade team collaborates with the teachers at Cimarron Middle School to ensure students’ success in 6th grade.

We strongly believe that this detailed and collaborative process creates learning environments that benefit all students.  Please remember that our ultimate goal is to create classes that promote the success of each child.  Please also know that your child is placed in a classroom for specific reasons and that our process benefits all students.  Because of the input and thought given by teachers, parents and administrators, we are reluctant to make changes once this process is complete.  It may be hard to believe, but moving one child can disrupt the balance of an entire classroom. 

We do value parent input and welcome any insight you wish to share about your child’s strengths, needs and learning style.  We will take into consideration all pertinent information that you share with me on or before Friday, April 25th.  While we welcome your input, we cannot honor specific teacher requests.  Please put your thoughts in writing and address them to me (Jenny Brown).  I will accept either a letter or email (

I cannot express enough how important it is that your thoughts are in writing.  As you can imagine, I receive a great deal of parent input and verbal information is difficult to track.  I also prefer that you direct this communication to me, as I am ultimately responsible for reviewing final class lists in July when teachers may be available.

Happy Birthday
Pam Ditus - April 9th

Go For the Gold
* Karen Petty was recently interviewed for a pod cast. March was Music in Our Schools Month. You can hear the interview below. Thank you for sharing Karen!

* Thank you teachers for another successful week of CMAS! Thank you Justin Brakefield, Mel Berry, and Megan Fleet for administering make-ups!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hawk
Lounge Duty: Steinher/McMillan

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...