Thursday, November 23, 2017


This Week
Welcome back!

* Feedback on goals - Libby

* SD: Finalize EPRs & Words Their Way update

* 4th Grade Planning


* We will provide sub time for classroom teachers to complete DRA/F & P winter testing after break.  Sign ups will be in the lounge Tuesday morning.

* Teacher grades 3-5, please collaborate with your SPED/RtI teachers and compile a list of students who will need accommodations for CMAS. Students must be on a formal plan to receive extra time. Text-to-speech is available for anyone who needs it for Math & Science. Documenting accommodations must begin on December 1st. Please email Libby your list of students who need accommodations by November 29th.

* Progress checks must be entered into Alpine for READ plan students. This needs to be done every 6-8 weeks, so now would be a great time! Click here for directions on how to do this or see Libby if you need help. Please remember to progress monitor these students monthy.

* Our GRE Holiday Party will be held on Friday, December 15 after school at Stacie Martino's home.  More details will follow, but be sure to put this date on your calendar!!  You won't want to miss it.

Happy Birthday
Kim Layton - November 20th
Kristi Barta - November 25th
Anita Rudman - November 27th

2nd Grade Technology CoTeaching
Before break 2nd graders navigated between four different apps, Skitch, Pattern Shapes, Adobe Spark Video, and Seesaw to communicate their mathematical thinking. Within Skitch they labeled the geometrical terms faces, edges, and vertices. In Pattern Shapes students created arrays to show the solutions to their rectangular riddles and modeled fractions like 1/2, 1/3, & 1/4 with different geometrical shapes. For example, one trapezoid is half of one hexagon. After creating visual representations in Skitch and Pattern Shapes, 2nd graders used Adobe Spark Video to add their own verbal explanations of each math concept. Completed presentations were then shared on Seesaw. Please check out one student's sample below.

Primary Share Shop Celebrations
Intermediate Share Shop Celebrations

*Conferring with Readers and Writers

 *Strategies That Work

* The Next Steps in Guided Reading

Go For the Gold
• Thank you teachers for all of the time and effort you put into the Celebration of Learning. Parents and grandparents loved seeing their student's work!
• Thank you Christy Dismang and Anita Rudman for doing an amazing job marketing our school!
• Thank you Anita Rudman for mailing the goodies to the troops!
• Thank you Gail Golish for a great book fair!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Dazzio/Warner

Friday, November 10, 2017

One of our student's dad made it to Mt. Everest Base Camp and gave Gold Rush a shout out!


This Week
* Veteran's Day celebrations. Please see schedule below. 

* 2:00 - Fire & Shelter in Place Drills

* Digger's Family Feast

* 5th Grade Planning Day


* Last call if you would like to have extra help from an EDGE student on Friday. Please let Libby know if you could use an extra set of hands.

* We will have a fire drill, immediately followed by a shelter in place drill on Tuesday at 2:00.

* On Wednesday, from 10:45-2:00, please use the fourth and second grade hallways to go to specials or extra recess so that we can keep the front vestible open for the Thanksgiving feast.

* Please update your classroom blog and enter your CITE 6 goals into InspriED before Thanksgiving break if you haven't done so already.

* We used the new SeeSaw activities button during our PLC day. If you want more information about how to use this feature please see Becca McMillan.

* If you would like to nominate someone for the Apple Awards, please click here.

* Progress checks must be entered into Alpine for READ plan students. This needs to be done every 6-8 weeks, so now would be a great time! Click here for directions on how to do this or see Libby if you need help. Please remember to progress monitor these students monthy.

* Teacher grades 3-5, please collaborate with your SPED/RtI teachers and compile a list of students who will need accommodations for CMAS. Students must be on a formal plan to receive extra time. Text-to-speech is available for anyone who needs it for Math & Science. Documenting accommodations must begin on December 1st. Please email Libby your list of students who need accommodations by November 29th.

* Jenny and Libby would like to meet with teachers after break to talk further about your goals.  Please sign up for a time with Anita prior to break.

* We will provide sub time for classroom teachers to complete DRA/F & P winter testing after break.  Sign ups will be in the lounge Tuesday morning.

Schedule for Monday's Veteran's Day Celebration
5th Grade - 9:40-10:20
1st Grade - 11:00-11:40
2nd Grade - 11:55-12:35
3rd Grade - 1:00-1:40
4th Grade - 1:50-2:30
SPED, Specials, and K TBD

Please bring your class to the Gold Mine room. If your time backs up to lunch, we will pick your students up from recess.  We are also collecting the following items to send to troops currently overseas.  Feel free to contribute as well.  There is a collection box in the front vestibule (next to the food drive) for all donations.

Sunflower Seeds * Chapstick * Gum * Dental Floss * Q-Tips * Crossword Puzzles * Playing Cards * Sour Patch Kids * Toothpaste * Magazines

Book Fair
Monday:  7:30 - 4:30
Tuesday: 7:30 - 6:30
Wednesday  7:30 - 4:30
Thursday: 7:30 - 6:30
Friday: 7:30 - 2:00
There will be no Library classes or open library times during this week.

Thanksgiving Feast
Our Celebration of Learning and Feast is this Wednesday. The schedule is as follows:

*Conferring with Readers and Writers

 *Strategies That Work

* The Next Steps in Guided Reading

1st Grade Technology CoTeaching
First grade readers used SonicPics to capture their thinking as they read nonfiction texts. After recording their questions, connections, and new learnings they posted their work on Seesaw's blog. By doing so they were able to access a greater audience and share their thinking/teach ALL first graders about their nonfiction topic.

As first graders listened to peer SonicPics projects they left comments for the reader using sentence stems like:
* I am also wondering...
* This fact reminds me of...
* I learned from you that...
* I think I know the answer to one of your questions...

See below for a 1st grade sample project and sample comments in response to his presentation.

Student Comment Sample #1
Student Comment Sample #2
Student Comment Sample #3

Gretchen Imman - November 18

Go For the Gold
* Thank you for an amazing PLC day! We have the best staff, meow and forever more!
* Thank you Jessalyn Russell, Ashley Dalcerri, Jenn Poli, and Michelle Anderson for sharing your wonderful work!
* Thank you Jen Dale for covering extra lunch/recesses!
* Thank you Naomi and Jessalyn for volunteering to serve on the GT identification team!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Shepperd/Fleet

Friday, November 3, 2017


This Week
* 8:30-3:30 3rd grade Gemologist in Gold Mine room

* PLC Day

* 7:45 Preliminary spelling test in the Gold Mine room
* No Staff Development

* Kindie Plan Day


* Please make sure you complete setting all of your targets for your students for CITE 6 in InspirED.

* Click here for the agenda for our PLC day. Please bring the following:
     • Math Journals
     • Student examples of open ended and/or parallel tasks
     • Computers

* The spelling bee preliminary test will be given November 8th at 7:45 in the Gold Mine room. Any 4th or 5th grader who is interested in being in this year's spelling bee needs to take the preliminary test. Please see Lauren Rayens if you have any questions.

* Please remember to update your blogs for November. Please make sure your daily schedule is included. 

* We moved our 'Feedback on Goals' to November 30th, December 1st & 4th. We will provide a sub for you. More info to follow.

• Douglas County is looking fro tutors to support struggling students in all content areas. The compensation is $45 an hour. Please let Libby know if you are interested.

• Students in the EDGE program at Legend High School are looking to do community service hours on November 17th. If you would like a high school volunteer on this day, please let Libby know.

• Kristi is still in need of volunteers to be on the Gifted and Talented Identification team. Please let her know if you would be willing to be on this team. 

Debbie Blair, the incredible Technology Specialist at Prairie Crossing, is hosting a Seesaw Social on November 29th at the Rio Grande in Lone Tree. This is open to anyone who uses Seesaw in the Denver metro area (not just for DCSD staff). 

If you attend you can expect to:
* Meet passionate teachers
* Share tips & tricks through casual conversation
* Make face to face connections
* Collaborate with other teachers who use Seesaw to promote a student driven classroom.

For all of the details and to join in, click on the below link. Please make sure you RSVP if you are planning to attend.


* Please help us welcome Mariela to our staff. She will be working with SSN on Mondays and Tuesdays, and taking over for Christy Schwalick Wed. - Fri.

Thanksgiving Feast
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast and Celebration of Learning will be on Wednesday, November 15th. The schedule is as follows:

4th Grade Technology CoTeaching
Last week in 4th grade, students explored digital literacy. They built schema about different groups of people in Colorado through digital resources and a digital version of Stephanie Harvey's Fact, Question, and Responses. Students annotated video clips in Discovery Education, articles, maps, and interactive websites.

Please take a few minutes to watch the incredible synopsis of our work by two 4th graders. The video is too large to imbed in Blogger, so you may have to download it in order to view it.

Video Synopsis Click Here

3rd Grade Technology CoTeaching
This week in 3rd grade we connected their study of data collection to the creation and analysis of Google Forms. Third grade teams crafted different question types to gather lots of information about their topic. Once they looked at their results, groups had to revise the way their question was asked in order to get the specific type of data they were hoping for. In addition, when looking at their results, students analyzed how the data could be represented in different graph types and how to interpret/draw conclusions about the data once it is collected.
The sample below is a video recording, so you can press the play button to hear the audio and press the arrows to navigate through the pictures she is describing.

Intermediate Share Shop Resources

Primary Share Shop Resources (work in progress)

*Conferring with Readers and Writers

 *Strategies That Work

* The Next Steps in Guided Reading

Happy Birthday
Kelly Broecker - November 3rd (Happy Belated!)
Cindy Bell - November 7th
Kylee Lauterbach - November 11th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you everyone for participating in our Halloween festivities!
• Thank you Bev Holtzer and all who participated in Walktober!
• Thank you Kristi Barta and Bev Holtzer for covering classes last week!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Meredith/Russell

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...