Sunday, October 29, 2017


This Week

* 8:40 - Halloween Parties
* 9:30 - Parade

* SD: Enter CITE 6 data and set targets

* 2nd Grade Planning Day
* Jenny admin meeting


* For staff development this week, we will be entering CITE 6 data and setting targets. Classroom teachers: please bring scored writing assessments for unit 1.  Specials teachers - please bring scored assessments.

* Click here for a draft agenda for the November PLC day. Please bring the following:
     • Math journals
     • Student examples of open ended and/or parallel tasks

* Teachers in grades 3-5, please start thinking about who needs accommodations for CMAS (They are not calling it PARCC anymore in Colorado). They asked us to be strict on who gets extra time as data shows very few actually use it. Students must be on a formal plan to receive this accommodation. Students can have text-to-speech without being on a formal plan, but they need to utilize this regularly.

• Kristi is putting together our GRE Gifted and Talented Identification Team.  If you are interested in looking at data and being a part of this team, let her know.  It will involve a couple mornings or afternoons outside of school coming up in November.  She offers treats at the meetings for incentive!!

• Douglas County is looking for tutors to support struggling students in all content areas. The compensations is $45 an hour. Please let Libby know if you are interested.

• Students in the EDGE program at Legend High School are looking to do community service hours on November 17th. If you would like a high school volunteer on this day, please let Libby know. 


As a school we celebrate Halloween with breakfast parties from 8:30-9:20 AM. Our all school parade will follow. Please remind parent helpers of the timeframe for our parties. Please also remind all families that students are to change out of their costumes at the end of the parade and that masks, weapons, and face paint are not permitted. If you have students who do not wish to participate they can come to school at 10:00, or they can go to the library.

Happy Birthday
Jenny Huntsinger - October 31st

*Conferring with Readers and Writers

* Strategies That Work

* The Next Steps in Guided Reading

Go For the Gold
• Thank you for an awesome first book club!
• Thank you to the Fat Friday team for providing the delicious chili!
• Thank you to everyone who served dinner at the Chicken Shack! The students loved it!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge Duty: Steinher/McMillan

Sunday, October 22, 2017

This Week
* 7:45 Tech committee meeting

* 7:30 - Book Study
* 1st Grade Plan Day

* Fat Friday! Spooky Chili Cook-off!

* We are excited for our first book club! Please come having read your materials. We will meet in the following locations:
     Strategies That Work - Office conference room
     Conferring with Readers and Writers - Lower conference room
     Next Steps in Guided Reading - Gold Mine room

* New Library Open Hours
     • 8:45-9:15 - M, W, F 
     • 2:00-2:40 - T, Th
Please adhere to these times.
* Thank you for complying with our Library Norms. Click here for the complete list.

* Allison and Jenny are hosting two, one-hour math workshops for parents. Click here for the flyer that went home. 

The Cherry Creek Valley Rotary Club of Parker is excited to announce its 2017/2018 school year teacher micro-grant program. This program provides a $50 micro-grant to teachers who are with a DCSD public school in the 80134 and 80138 zip codes. Click here for the online application.

Our new office staff!
Health Assistants/Office clerks: Elizabeth Meuli (M, T) and Christy Schwalick (W, Th, F)
Registrar: Christi Dismang
Administrative Assistant: Anita Rudman
Christy Schwalick will continue her EA position on Mondays and Tuesdays.

As a school we celebrate Halloween with breakfast parties from 8:30-9:20 AM. Our all school parade follows (the route will be in your box). Please remind parent helpers of the timeframe for our parties. Please also remind all families that students are to change out of their costumes at the end of the parade and that masks, weapons, and face paint are not permitted. If you have students who do not wish to participate they can come to school at 10:00, or they can go to the library.

5th Grade Technology CoTeaching
Students created an infographic using piktochart to synthesize their work around "What do you do with a question?" this week. Digitally students recorded questions, categorized questions, researched questions using keywords using Discovery Education, PebbleGo, Children's Britannica, and HERE is a google document template that has the resources hyperlinked that you can use in your classroom.  I've also modified the document to include QR codes directing them to the sites listed above for easier access. QR version click HERE.

Happy Birthday
Sarah Sommers - October 24th
Heather Terry - October 25th
Lauren Meier - October 29th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Allison Hawk for sending students to help clean up the art room!
* As always, thank you Leadership Team for your participation and input!
* Thank you everyone for an awesome lockdown drill! The security team was so impressed and could sense how much you all care for our kids. We received an A++ score!
* Thank you Jeannette Shepherd and Kerry Dazzio for beautifying our grounds with all of the painted rocks in our garden! 
* Thank you Robin Carmack and Diane Brown for helping with interviews!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hawk
Lounge Duty: Meier/Woolums

Friday, October 13, 2017

Betsy's gender reveal....Its a BOY!!!


This Week
Welcome Back!

* 7:30 - Leadership team meeting in the Gold Mine room

* No staff development

* Jenny admin meeting

* 7:30 - SRP training in the Gold Mine room
* 1:00 - Lockdown drill (see below)

* Parent Blog - Please update your parent blog for October.  It should include curriculum you are going to cover in October and ways parents can help their kids at home.
Legend is hosting a Relay for Life on October 21 on the Legend track from 7:30am-12:30pm
Click here for more information.
* Please have all field trips approved by Jenny.
* If you have not done so already, please let Libby know if you have students who need to be put on a READ Plan. 

* Lockdown Training at 7:30 Friday, October 20 & Practice @ 1:00 PM
  Please remind your class of the following:  
- If you are in the hallway go to the closest room.
- If you are in the bathroom lock the stall and raise your feet.
- If you were at recess you would run into the neighborhood.

* Book Study - Wednesday, October 25 @ 7:30
We are excited to start our book studies after break.  Please click on the book link below to see the reading for your first meeting and location.

Conferring with Readers and Writers

Reading Strategies That Work

The Next Step in Guided Reading

Go For the Gold
* Thank you for a great, last night of conferences!
* Thank you everyone for weathering crazy hair day the day before fall break!

Kindie CoTeaching: Planning Documents
Kindergartners used the app ChatterPix to teach others what it means to be a good citizen at Gold Rush. 

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Anderson/Graham

Sunday, October 1, 2017

This Week
* 7:45 Tech office hours
* No staff development
* 5th grade planning day
* Jenny admin meeting
* Parent/Teacher conferences
* 2:45 Digger Dash winner celebration on the front blacktop

1st Grade CoTeaching
Everyone knows one of the hardest parts of the writing process is revising. First graders this week tackled this hard work of writing using Seesaw. After individual students recorded their story onto Seesaw, peer revisors went to work! Students learned how to comment on Seesaw by leaving meaningful feedback for their fellow writers. First graders left questions for the author so the author knew what kind of information they should go back and add to their story. Then each student listened was able to take the feedback they received, revise their writing, and publish their newly revised work on to Seesaw.

Peer Revisor Comment & Self Analysis: Which comments did you use to revise your writing?
*Tech Tip: Although Seesaw allows you to post multiple pictures now, you can't swipe and record on individual pages and when you download the project you have to download the audio and the pictures separately. Sonic Pics may still be the best choice if you want to record on multiple pictures.

* If you have any students on 504s, please make sure you have reviewed them and know the accommodations.
* Our SRP training will be Friday, October 20th at 7:30.
* Please let Libby know if you have students who are not already on a READ plan and did not meet the cut-score on Istation. We will need to write a READ plan for them.

Happy Birthday
Jilla Emadipour - October 3rd
Kim Gopsill - October 3rd
Christy Dismang - October 4th
Jen Dale - October 6th
Amanda Widdeson - October 11th
Megan Wallace - October 13th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Tobey for fixing the printer!
• Thank you teachers for a great, first night of conferences!
• Thank you Karen Warner, Mel Berry, and Justing Brakefield for setting up/cleaning up Digger Dash!
• Thank you Fat Friday team for the delicious soup and potato bar!
• Thank you Jamie Marchese for helping with car loop!

Golden Nuggets
Morning announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge duty: Roon/Wilson

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...