Sunday, October 30, 2016

October / November 2016

This Week
Monday: Halloween
Tuesday: 8:00-10:00 Principal's cabinet
Wednesday: SD Build a common understanding in Math
Thursday: K plan day
3:30-4:15 Apply Hour - Tech troubleshooting
Friday: Fourth grade plan day

• We will continue our math conversations in staff development this week.
• Appy Hour: "Help!" This Thursday from 3:30-4:14 in the tech lab, there will be multiple experts ready to conquer those "help" moments.
Click here for a draft of the PLC day schedule and click here for a description of the afternoon tech sessions.  Please review the tech sessions prior to our PLC day.  The technology sessions will be run in a workshop format so please come with an idea that you can work on for each session.
• 3rd-5th grade teachers, please start thinking about your students who are on a formalized plan and receive accommodations in the classroom. We will need to begin documenting this Dec. 1. If your students would benefit from text-to-speech, you will need to document this as well. This could include RtI students or anyone else who receives this accommodation consistently. We will have accommodations training in November. 

Happy Birthday
Missy Coyne - November 2nd
Cindy Bell - November 7th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Karen Petty for covering first grade during the Digger Dash celebration!
• Thank you to our Fat Friday group for the delicious chili lunch!
• Thank you Mathematical Mindset book club for your participation!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Hurley/Brown

Sunday, October 23, 2016

October 2016

This Week
Tuesday - 7:30 Leadership Team meeting in the Gold Mine room
7:30 Tech committee meeting in the STEAM lab, room 130
Wednesday - SD - Building a common vision of best math practices.
Thursday - 7:30 Mathematical Mindset book study in the Gold Mine room
Libby admin meeting
Friday - Fat Friday - Spooky Chili Cookoff

• Halloween parties will be the morning of October 31st from 8:30-9:15. Our school parade will follow at 9:15. The parade route will be in your box on this week. Please remind all families that students are to change out of their costumes at the end of the parade and masks, weapons, and face paint are not permitted.
• Fat Friday's lunch will be provided by Jeannette, Becca, Missy, Shannon, Diane, and Kim. The theme is Spooky Chili!

Happy Birthday
Heather McKinney - October 25th
Lauren Meier - October 29th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you everyone for your thoughtful math discussions!
• Thank you to everyone who sent Kristi pencils for Math Olympiad! You are appreciated!
• Congratulations Heather McKinney on your wedding!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Braden/Evans

Sunday, October 16, 2016


This Week
Monday - Digger Dash
Tuesday - Tech visits to Heritage
Wednesday - 7:30 Staff Meeting
Thursday - Jenny admin meeting
Friday - 3:00 Digger Dash Winner Assembly

• Please make sure your CITE 6 formative data and goals are entered into InspirED by Monday, October 17, at 9 AM at the latest.
• Please give Libby your revised EPR sheets.

* Please sign up for your formal evaluation cycle if you have not done so already. This cycle includes the following:

* Pre Observation Meeting (20-30 minutes)
* Observation (60 minutes)
* Post Observation Meeting (40 minutes)

Click here for the  pre observation document and click here for our school look fors in math. Please email your pre-observation doc to Jenny or Libby  a day before our initial meeting so they have time to review it before our initial meeting. 

Digger Dash Schedule
8:45 – 9:00            Stretching (Preschool and Kindergarten)
9:00 – 9:15            Race  (Preschool and Kindergarten)
9:10 – 9:25            Stretching (1st and 2nd grades)
9:25 – 9:55            Race  (1st and 2nd grades)
9:50 – 10:00         Stretching (3rd and 4th grades)
10:00 – 10:45       Race  (3rd and 4th grades)
10:40 – 10:50       Stretching (5th grade)
10:50 – 11:35       Race  (5th grade)

Wednesday, October 18 Staff Meeting Focus @ 7:30
We will build a common understanding of the key computation concepts and strategies K-5 as outlined in Investigation 1.  Please come prepared to talk about the following:
  • Describe the Key Math Concepts Taught in your Computation (Unit 1)
  • Describe the Strategies Students Use to Solve Computation Problems.
  • Go Online and share a game, problem or routine that best shows computation at your grade level
* As a school we celebrate Halloween with breakfast parties from 8:30-9:15 AM.  Our all school parade follows (route to come).  Please remind parents helpers of the timeframe for our parties.  Please also remind all families that students are to change out of their costumes at the end of the parade and the masks, weapons and face paint are not permitted.

We would like to welcome our new EAs, Amy Jay and Ashley Peterson. Amy will be here Mondays and Wednesdays and Ashley will be here Tuesdays, Thursday, and Fridays.

Technology Plans for Round 2

Third Grade 

Fifth Grade: This lesson is an extension of our first rotation so you just have to scroll down the page for this rotations lessons. 

Go For the Gold
• Thank you for two great nights of conferences!
• Thank you for being flexible with our Digger Dash date!
• Thank you Karen Warner and Diane Brown for all of your hard work with running club!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge Duty: Brakefield/Carmack

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October 2016

This Week
Monday: 5th grade planning day
8:00 -8:15 Heritage Visit Planning
Tuesday: 8:40 Fire drill and shelter in place drill
2nd grade planning day
Wednesday: K planning day
Parent/teacher conferences
Thursday: Digger Dash - please see the schedule below.
Friday: Happy Fall Break!

• On Tuesday morning at 8:40 we will have our October fire drill. This will be immediately followed by our mandatory shelter in place drill. 
• Please have all CITE 6 formative scores entered in InpirED by the end of fall break at the latest.
• We will have our coffee guy, Sylvester, the morning of Digger Dash as a THANK YOU for a great parent teacher conference!
• Please sign up for your observation cycle on the calendar on Janis' desk by fall break. This includes a pre-conference, an hour observation, and a post conference.
• Please give Libby your revised EPR sheets by fall break.
• We will have a staff meeting the Wednesday after break, 10/19, at 7:30 in the Gold Mine room.
• There are specially priced Denver Nugget tickets for all teachers, family, and friends.  Click here for more information about teacher appreciation group nights with the Denver Nuggets.

We are looking for a teacher to take the lead in the Energy Action Incentive program. If GRE reduces it's energy consumption, we get a portion of the savings back! This is an easy way to earn money for our school! Please let Libby know if you are interested.

Digger Dash Schedule
8:45 – 9:00            Stretching (Preschool and Kindergarten)
9:00 – 9:15            Race  (Preschool and Kindergarten)
9:10 – 9:25            Stretching (1st and 2nd grades)
9:25 – 9:55            Race  (1st and 2nd grades)
9:50 – 10:00         Stretching (3rd and 4th grades)
10:00 – 10:45       Race  (3rd and 4th grades)
10:40 – 10:50       Stretching (5th grade)
10:50 – 11:35       Race  (5th grade)

Happy Birthday
Jilla Emadipour - October 3rd
Kim Gopsill - October 3rd
Christy Dismang - October 4th
Jen Dale - October 6th
Amanda Widdeson - October 11th
Megan Wallace - October 13th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into parent conferences!
• Thank you to the Fat Friday team who provided the delicious soup and potato bar!
• Here's to these three staying healthy!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hawk
Lounge Duty: Petty/Simpson

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...