Sunday, May 11, 2014

May & June 2014

  In order to receive benefits, employees must enroll this year-even if you want to keep the same health plan.  The mandatory benefits open enrollment window is May 5-May 31.
  If you have not done so already, please turn in your green DRA sheets to Kristi.
  We have noticed many students are wearing hats inside the building.  Please remind students that they can only wear their hats at recess.
  If you are having any trouble with your SmartBoard, please email Courtney and tell her about these issues.  She is meeting with the district IT person on Monday to resolve tech issues.
  Classified staff:  if you have not set up your end of year evaluation with Libby, please do so.
  Please make sure the office is aware of any end of celebrations/activities your classroom/grade level is planning in May, as these will need to be placed on the school calendar.  This includes guest speakers, special events for parents, etc.
  If you are leaving the building during school hours aside from getting lunch please make sure Kristi, Libby or Jenny are aware.  All staff members must sign out and in the office anytime they leave during the day (including lunch).
  The last week of Library will be May 19th.  Students will still go to Library this week, but will not check out books. 

If you would like to be a part of planning our staff end of year celebration, please come to a meeting Tuesday morning at 8:30 in the conference room.

Go For the GOLD!
  Thank you Karen Petty for a great talent show!  Thank you Karen O’Day for helping with the talent show on Friday night!
  Thank you to everyone who has turned in their green DRA sheets! If you have not done so please turn them into Kristi.

Golden Nuggets!
Lounge Duty:  Rayens/S. Brown        Friday Treats:  Specials
Morning Announcements:  Lautenbach
Morning Supervision:  Cieply, Woolums, Martino, Hawk, Holtzer, Fier
Remember your lovely orange vest!

Leaderships Team Mtg. Notes
  Please talk with your leadership team representative about the following changes for next school year:

* K-2 Literacy Block from 9:15-11:15 & 3-5 Literacy Block from 1:45-3:45
   -  This change was made to ensure that special education students could receive support with less staffing. Special education students will be able to be pulled across grades with this schedule.  Classroom teachers across each grade level will teach reading for an hour followed by an hour of writing.

* Special Change: Technology for 3 Days & Movement for 2 Days Allows for Tech Coaching
    -  This change will ensure that students continue to have movement and collaboration and continue to have opportunities to exercise outside of PE, which is every fourth week.  This also allows the technology teacher to collaborate with teachers two days a week.  With the addition of new computers and ipad carts for each grade level we want to ensure that teachers have the support in their classrooms to be successful.  Teachers from all grade levels would have the opportunity to sign up with the technology teacher on the two open days to brainstorm, plan and/or co-teach.  Next year Megan Fleet will assume this position as Courtney is onto a new adventure.

* Goal Setting Days Move to Assessment Days on August 21st & 22nd

In an attempt to gain more targeted information regarding children’s academic strengths and needs, Gold Rush is going to change how our goal setting days are structured next year.  All children across grades K-5 will start a full day of school on Monday, August  Each child will be asked to come for one hour on either August 21st or August 22nd to complete reading and math assessments.  Having students complete assessments with their teacher at a later date allows students to settle into their classrooms and adjust to classroom practices and procedures.  The assessments administered will allow educators to alter their instruction to meet individual student's needs and learning styles.  Parents will be able to sign up for day and time on Canyon Creek starting August 1st.  Because we value the information we are obtaining on these days it is imperative that all children complete the assessments on either August 21st or the 22nd.   Students will end the day by taking their class picture with you. 

We continue to believe that it is essential that students have the opportunity to meet their teacher and visit their classroom prior to the first day of school.  Families are welcome to do so on Friday, August 8.  Children will bring their school supplies on August 8th.

Assessments Administered

DRA (Grades K-3)
Informal Running Record (4-5)
Classroom Teacher
Aimsweb Reading
Educational Assistant
Aimsweb Math
Educational Assistant

Check In / Guide
Aimsweb Reading
Jenny B
Classroom Teacher
Jen D.
Music Room
Classroom Teacher
Christie S
Diane B.
Karen P.
Classroom Teacher
Karen Deal
Kim L.
Tech Lab
Karen OD.
Classroom Teacher
Kristi B.
Micah R./Carolyn A.
Gold Mine Room
Kerry D.
Classroom Teacher
Cindy Bell
Amy F.
Isberg’s Office
Classroom Teacher
Margie Ellis
Mel B.
Simpson’s Office

·      Parents receive information regarding the change to assessments days in mid May.
·      Parents sign up via Canyon Creek by August 8th.
·      Parents drop students off in the gym behind their grade level cone.
·      Greeters check each student in for their session and walk them to their opening session.
·      Greeters deliver students to the second session.
·      Aimsweb reading staff will walk the children back to their grade level cone in the gym.
·      Students will take their picture with their parents near the art room.

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...