January 2014
Please turn in your DRA sheet to the office by January 23rd.
Please bring your computer to staff development this week. K-3 teachers please bring your DRA sheets
with scores to staff development.
DCSD Safety and Security has created a Moodle course that is now
mandatory for all district employees. Information on how to sign
up can be found here. If you have any questions please ask Libby.
Please make sure your personal contact information in your profile is
current. Log onto Employee Self Service
to view your contact information and make updates. You can find Self Service from the district
home page. Under “Employees” choose
Employee Resources, then “Employee Self Service.” Use your single sign-on credentials to log
in. After logging in, select “My Profile” in the left side of the window. Update all
contact information and click “Save.”
Please sign up for your mid-year conference with Jenny and Libby with
For the GOLD!
Kelly Binder brought in more Keurig coffee for the staff!
Thank you Kristi Barta and Megan Fleet for presenting during our PLC day
on Friday!
• Thank you Diane Brown and Margie for presenting on Friday!
• Thank you Diane Brown and Margie for presenting on Friday!
Catherine Graham – January 20th
Stephanie Braden – January 24th
Lounge Duty: Hurley/Wilson Friday Treats: Office
Morning Announcements: Fleet
Morning Supervision: Rossi, McMillan, Hayes,
Lautenbach, Dalcerri, Rayens
Remember your lovely orange vest!
CITE 6 Committee Work
CITE 6 Committee Work
· According to state law, CITE 6 will count for 50% of
teacher’s evaluation in the 2014-2015 school year. It does NOT count towards salary this year.
· CITE 6 measures student achievement and growth data.
· As a CITE committee, we identified broad assessment
categories that aligned to Gold Rush. We
were able to choose from 4 categories defined by the state. The team chose the following categories:
Individual Classroom, Targeted Goal Areas (Writing) and Whole School Measures.
· We eliminated the Team category because the committee
was concerned that being evaluated on grade level/team data might compromise
our ability to build highly collaborative teams.
· Certain assessments were required in our model (everything
in red).
TCAP growth data
and whole school in the whole school category
A school
summative assessment for reading and math in the individual category. Our team chose DRA/informal running records
and MAP math scores.
· We identified additional assessments that were
meaningful to us. We did this so
teachers would have additional assessments included in their evaluation. The following were chosen to experiment with
this year:
IEP goals
GRE created reading
rubrics for determining importance
Lucy Calkin’s
writing rubric for information text.
have this year to evaluate these assessments and determine if we want to
include them in our CITE 6 model next year.
· The team is currently evaluating the reliability,
validity and use of each of the identified assessments using a district
calculator. The calculator is a
compilation of numerous rubrics. The
district completed the calculator for assessments that are done across several
schools (DRA, Map Math and Reading).
· The CITE team will then collect the data for the
additional assessments chosen (reading and writing rubrics) and determine if we
will include these assessments in our model next year.