September / October 2013
Click here for GRE's professional development site.
You can view future calendar months by click on the professional development calendar on the left.
• DRA and informal running records need to be completed an inputed into infinite campus by Friday.
• Social Studies interims begin this week in
the Gold Mine room. To administer follow these four steps.
1) Go to
2) Click: on
Type in lunch number. * We will have rosters if
any students do not know their numbers.
4) Have student select the social studies assessment.
* See Libby if you have any questions.
• Please let Kristi know if you are interested
in managing the checkbook and finances for social committee.
Go For the GOLD!
Thank you kindie, first, and third grade teachers for amazing math
• Thank you Karen O’Day for babysitting 53
students on math night! You are wonderful!
• Thank you Gail for stepping up and
supervising the band/orchestra students!
• Thank you Karen Deal for being creative last
week with all of the rain!
• Thank you Janis for decorating the Gold Mine
room for the Feeder Meeting!
• Thank you Libby for all your help with MAP testing! You rock!
• Thank you Christy S for your efficiency in the copy room!
Dash Schedule
9:20-9:35 Stretching (Preschool
and Kindergarten)
9:35-9:50 Race begins
9:40-9:55 Stretching (1st
and 2nd)
9:55-10:25 Race begins
10:151-10:30 Stretching
(3rd and 4th)
10:30-11:15 Race begins
11:05-11:20 Stretching (5th)
11:20-12:05 Race begins
Happy Birthday!
20 – Tobey Vogt
20 – Brenna Musser
Golden Nuggets!
Duty: Castro/Cieply Friday Treats: Fifth & Childcare
Announcements: Fleet
Supervision: Shepperd, Marchese, Nelson,
Braden, Hurley, Brands
your lovely orange vest!
Meeting Notes
See your grade level representative for additional information.
Leadership & Learning Notes
* Curriculum leaders talked about their needs to evaluate backward plans. We discussed how special education teachers can add on to grade level plans for stage 3. Curriculum leaders will also add insight into grade level meetings where we will build backward plans for writing units.
* Created Norms
* Discussed the possibility of altering goal setting days to accommodate additional testing. Jenny is going to get additional information from schools.
* Planned the PLC day: We will look at writing in the morning. Teams will collaboratively score writing formative assessments for the genre of personal narrative. We will then discuss our finding in vertical group discussions. Lori will speak to reading strategies in the afternoon because we want to continue our great discussions about reading practices this year. It was determined that she will take the reading strategy of background knowledge into great detail (across genres etc).
CITE 6 Team
* Cite 6 refers to the other 50% of teacher evaluation. The state determined that this 50% must be based on student assessment data (growth and proficiency). Teachers will be held to the model we create next school year.
* The team identified three of the four assessment areas that we thought would apply to GRE: individual teacher performance (a teacher's class/caseload), a target instructional area (reading comprehension or a writing genre) and the collective school (the school as a whole - TCAP).
* Individual teacher performance and the collective school categories were not optional.
* The targeted instructional area was optional. The team decided to opt out of an additional area: team/grade level performance (i.e. the fourth grade).
* The team began to brainstorm specific assessment that we may use for each of the three categories we identified. Some assessment types were required for certain assessment areas. An emphasis was placed on DRAs/informal running records, reading rubrics and our new Lucy Calkins' assessments. The team determined that it might be beneficial to create summative rubrics in the area of math.
* The team created a list of additional questions to discuss at our next meeting (September 27 during lunch).