Sunday, October 21, 2012

Welcome Back!

                 “Always be a little kinder than necessary.”  J. M. Barrie

           Weekly Blast!
Monday, October 22nd  WELCOME BACK!
9:30AM-2:00PM                   Brownley’s & Hayes’ classes to Plains Conservation Center 

Tuesday, October 23rd  Happy Birthday Lori Conrad!                                                          

Wednesday, October 24th 
                             Staff Development – Topic: Review Backwards Plans
·      Please bring your literacy backwards plan that
you created on our September 24th PLC day

Thursday, October 25th
8:00AM-8:50AM        Staff Meeting @ Gold Mine room
5:00PM-7:00PM         PTO Fall Festivities

Friday, October 26th
8:00AM-12:00PM      Admin Mtg. – Jenny Brown
9:30AM-2:00PM       Nelson’s & Castro’s classes to Plains Conservation Center 

Reminders/ Announcements/Opportunities
•  Please reinforce with students how to properly care for our technology equipment.
   Please make sure to have all technology locked up in a secure location before you 
   leave each day.

Go For the GOLD!
•  Thank you Karen O’Day for a successful running club!
•  Have anyone you want to recognize?  Please let Libby know.

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty:  Castro/Nelson
Friday Treats:  Kindie and Preschool
Morning Announcements & Recycling:  Conrad
Morning Supervision:  Rossi, McMillan, Hayes, Jones, Dalcerri, Conrad

Halloween Reminders

Halloween parties are “breakfast parties” scheduled for the first 45 minutes of the school day from 9:15- 10:00AM.  It is recommended that party treats be balanced and nutritious with limited “sweets.”  For those not wishing to participate in class Halloween parties, parents have the option of opting out.  Students who are not at school will be marked as an excused absence.  Students will be back to learning by 10:30AM and those students opting out will arrive at that time. 

Specific guidelines for Halloween costuming include the following:

1.  Students may come dressed in a costume, but they must be able to change into school clothes for the remainder of the day after the party has ended.
            2.  Costumes may not be demeaning or offensive
            3.  The following will not be allowed:
                        • Face make-up
                        • Depiction of blood or guts
                        • Racist or promiscuous dress
                        • Weapons or facsimile of weapons (swords, guns, scythes)
                        • Accessories or props such as balls, bats, ropes, etc.

If a costume is deemed inappropriate, the child may be asked to change into school clothes.   When parties are completed at 10:00, we will have a parade around the school for 15 minutes.  Students will then return to class, change out of costumes and return to learning by 10:30AM.


Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...