"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant." - Stevenson
Weekly Blast
Monday, August 27th
8:00AM-8:20AM Crisis Team Meeting
8:20AM-8:50AM School Bullying Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 28th
8:00AM-8:20AM Crisis Team Meeting
8:20AM-8:50AM School Bullying Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 28th
Wednesday, August 29th Staff Development Topics
* Identifying our Beliefs about Reading
* Documenting our Goals for the Year in Hallogen
Thursday, August 30th
8:00AM-8:50AM First Faculty Mtg @ Gold Mine Room
Topic: Exploring our Collective Beliefs about Reading
Topic: Exploring our Collective Beliefs about Reading
9:00AM-10:30 Principal Mtg. -Jenny Brown
Friday, August 31st DRA Test Due
Friday, August 31st DRA Test Due
8:00AM-8:50AM RtI Committee Mtg.
12:00PM-2:00PM Special Education Mtg.
12:00PM-2:00PM Special Education Mtg.
• If you didn't do it yet make sure to complete the online training for abuse and neglect
reporting. It was due Friday. Click here to access the link for the training.
• Turn your emergency forms into the office.
• See Janis is you need a badge.
• Make sure your attendance is in by 9:30.
• Send students to the office with red slip. Be mindful of frequent fliers to the health room.
We highly recommend all teachers and certified staff create a list of preferred substitutes whom Aesop will contact first when he/she creates an absence. Once your preferred list is set up, you may rank up to 5 subs as your “favorites" These "Favorite Five" will receive an email and a call during the first evening call out after the absence creation.** Keep in mind that subs who are preferred may be preferred by many employees. This means that the closer an absence is to starting, the less likely a preferred sub would be able available for an absence.
• Send students to the office with red slip. Be mindful of frequent fliers to the health room.
We highly recommend all teachers and certified staff create a list of preferred substitutes whom Aesop will contact first when he/she creates an absence. Once your preferred list is set up, you may rank up to 5 subs as your “favorites" These "Favorite Five" will receive an email and a call during the first evening call out after the absence creation.** Keep in mind that subs who are preferred may be preferred by many employees. This means that the closer an absence is to starting, the less likely a preferred sub would be able available for an absence.
Assigning a substitute teacher is the same as pre-arranging a substitute teacher. If that substitute meets the above qualifications AND is on your top 5 list, they will be called and requested, but if they don't meet all the above qualifications, and you want to assign them to your absence, you will need to contact your site administrator to "assign" this sub. You can enter the absence, and put it on "HOLD " long enough for your secretary to go into eidt and assign the sub you have made arrangements with.
• If anyone is interested in serving on our school's bullying team please join us at our first
meeting tomorrow morning.
• A Teacher representative is needed for our School Advisory Council. The commitment is
one evening a month. See Jenny if you are interested.
Go For the Gold!
• Thank you Stephanie for being our new RtI coordinator.
• Thank you for a wonderful second fire drill practice! We saw a tremendous improvement in
students' ability to stay quiet during the drill. THANK YOU!
Golden Nuggets
• If anyone is interested in serving on our school's bullying team please join us at our first
meeting tomorrow morning.
• A Teacher representative is needed for our School Advisory Council. The commitment is
one evening a month. See Jenny if you are interested.
Go For the Gold!
• Thank you Stephanie for being our new RtI coordinator.
• Thank you for a wonderful second fire drill practice! We saw a tremendous improvement in
students' ability to stay quiet during the drill. THANK YOU!
Lounge Duty: Aldrich & Billings
Friday Treats: 3rd & 4th Grade
Morning Announcements & Recycling: Delcerri
Friday Treats: 3rd & 4th Grade
Morning Announcements & Recycling: Delcerri
Morning Supervision: Brownley,
Woolums, Martino, Hawk, Holtzer
A Look Ahead
Monday, September 3rd No School - Labor Day!
Tuesday, September4th
Wednesday, September5th Staff Development Topic
Thursday, September 6th
Thursday, September 6th
12:30AM-3:30 Principal Mtg. -Jenny Brown
Friday, September 7th
Friday, September 7th
September 11-13 Cogat administration
Great Ideas!
We want the Barker to be a place where we can share all the wonderful ideas and projects that you are doing in your classrooms. We look forward to sharing everyone's great work over the course of the year. Here are two projects, one from Megan Fleet's classroom and one from Amber Hayes' room.
5th Grade Graffiti Poems
Every student received a blank piece of white tag paper and borrowed sharpies from our incredible art teacher.
The first day students were asked to think about working in groups as a way to have ideas leave a mark or an impression on the thinking of someone else. We passed around the tag paper and every student was to leave a mark on each paper. My rule was that the mark must enter and travel through the entire paper and exit through a side, some kids did swirls, straight lines, jagged lines, but I kept asking what type of mark do you want to leave
behind for your classmates?
When students received their paper back many were disappointed because the marks were "Scribbles" and student's thought people ruined their work. I asked how that connected to working with someone who has different ideas than us or doesn't choose to follow the agreed upon group norms.
Then we read Harold and the Purple Colored Crayon and students were asked to zoom into their graffiti through Harold's eyes. What would Harold see? We continued to talk about the idea of zooming which led us to focusing in on 4X4 square sections of our graffiti. The students were then asked to color each section created with the intersecting lines and kids talked about the beauty that happens when ideas come together, sometimes recognizing how another's idea impacts you takes time and you have to analyze it critically.
From there the students created poems that described their learning graffiti, some focused on the shapes the scribbles transformed in to and others documented the leap of analyzing the perspective of someone else.
In further conversations we have used phrases like, "you know that seemed like a scribble, but man oh man, when we combined our ideas we created beautiful thinking!"
One of the most powerful lines written by a struggling reader was,
"But, the most important thing is that my
class made it and it is one of a kind
because nothing can ever be the same as
hard as you try."
Emergentics in Action - Grade 3
Students identified how they learn math best. Students were able to see the emergentics themes themselves when they analyzed the different answer groupings.
Wednesday Recap
5th Grade
Team Learning
-Conduct a lesson study
-Film and analyze others lessons
-Look at student work- Share how we got students there and identify next steps
-Include student voices in discussions
-Discuss how we structure our time with kids
School Learning
-Public coach one another around questions regarding reading instruction
4th Grade
Team Learning
-Identify assessments to use
-Identify what we already do that matches the GVC
-Brainstorming what are we going to have kids do and then bring student work back
-Clearly identify our expectations for students
-Determine what the four Cs look like (look like, sound like, feel like)
-Discuss how teachers went about teaching a certain lesson
-Engage in team teaching
School Learning
-Build a school wide philosophy about how we teach reading
-Share what great things are going on in each other’s classrooms
3rd Grade
Team Learning
-Continue these discussions in informal team meetings
-Share what works well and what doesn't
-Determine what needs to be common
-Clearly identify what a third grader look like when he/she is reading on grade level
-Discuss student examples
-Understand what teammates’ classrooms look like during reading instruction
-Know each other well enough to understand how someone would go about teaching something
School Learning
-What does K-5 reading instruction really look like?
-Identify common language (terminology) to be used across grades K-5
Team Learning
- Determine the similarities and differences between the GVC and the EPR
- Make targets tangible. Link what we already do in the classroom to the GVC
- Review the document. Identify holes and connections to 4 cs.
- Explore what our higher readers need to accomplish.
School Learning
- Define our school wide reading philosophy.
2nd Grade
Team Learning
-Share ideas on how we instruct our outcomes in the classroom
-Share resources that help with certain outcomes
-Share challenges with regard to teaching certain outcomes
-Discuss our goals with the next grade levels
-Celebrate what’s been working
-Define our beliefs
-Determine why are we doing what we are doing
-Identify strengths and weaknesses
-Prioritize what are the most important outcomes
-Create common language
-Define 21st Century Learning
1st Grade
Team Learning
-Backwards plan using the GVC
-Determine what best practices are for first grade
-Observe in others' classrooms