This Week
* 7:30 K-3 Leadership team to discuss phonics
* Lab visits
* 9:30-1:00 Kindie to PACE Center
* SD - See below
* 10:45 Lockdown drill
* Libby admin meeting
* Kindie plan day
* Fat Friday - Chocolate Fever!
* Please remember to send your attendance to the office by 9:00 each morning.
* Please pick up your students outside after lunch recess at their line. Do not call them in from the door.
* For staff development this week:
K - Balanced Beginnings
1st, 2nd & 3rd grades - team time
4 & 5 - CMAS administration training
* Click here for the CMAS schedule.
* Our lockdown drill will be on Wednesday around 10:45. Everyone must lockdown even if you do not have students.
* Conferences are March 4th & 12th. Please let Jenny or Libby know if you would like them to attend a conference.
* The TCRWP summer conference will be July 7 - 10. Please try to solidify your summer plans and we will resend the survey after spring break.
* Please be cognizant of talking about students in the lounge, with your mic on, etc.
* The DCSD Board of Education voted to keep the 2020 Fall Break as scheduled (October 12-16, 2020).
* Please remind students that if they are using the bridge above the library to be silent. They are disturbing library classes.
* The Book Fair will be March 9 - 13.
Happy Birthday
Tammy Simpson - February 25th
Stephanie Brown - February 27th
Mary Beth Steinher - February 27th
Go For the Gold
* Thank you Karen Petty, Karen Warner & Kerry Dazzio for another great night of performances!
* Thank you to the classroom teachers who attended the performance!
* Thank you Bree Roon for teaching 1st grade! Thank you Megan Wallace for teaching 2nd grade!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Graham/Munson