I Spy...
Incredible Kindie teachers!
This Week
* 7:30 - 8:15 Book Study
* 8:00 Spelling Bee practice in the Gold Mine room
* Administer iReady diagnostic
* SD: OYO - EPRs
* 3:45 - 4:30 Book Study
* Jenny admin meeting
* Administer iReady diagnostic
* Administer iReady diagnostic
* Please administer the iReady diagnostic between Wednesday, December 11th - Friday December 13th.
* Please enter DRA/F & P data into IC and on your GRE data doc.
* Don't forget to send Kristi your 'family photo' by December 16th at noon!
* Please let Libby or Stephanie Brown know if you are interested in serving on our behavior RtI committee.
* Please release EPRs between 2:00 & 3:00 on Thursday, December 19th. We will make an announcement to remind you! Click here for our EPR expectations.
* The calendar designated a workday on January 6th and a PLC day on February 14th. Leadership agreed to trade our full PLC day in February to half in January. We will meet as a staff half of January 6th and half on February 14th. The other half of those days will be your workday.
Our focus on January 6th will be math.
Happy Birthday
Danielle Pearson - December 9th
Go For the Gold
* Thank you to Christy Dismang and her wonderful family for helping during Kindergarten Registration!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Evans/Fitch
Technology CoTeaching
Below you will find examples and information snippets from the first technology co-teaching rotation in kindie, first and second grades.
Second graders analyzed a school community and identified what their Role, Rights, and Responsibilities are within that community. In addition, they brainstormed common conflicts that happen in those specific communities and gave various solutions on how to resolve those conflicts.
Kindergarten Rotation #1
Student Sample #3: Spookly Pumpkins
Kindergartners used ChatterPix to take a selfie and describe what it means to Go For The Gold. In addition, they highlighted their favorite centers in their kindergarten class. Students utilized oral rehearsal to organize their thinking and determine what key ideas should be conveyed to connect to their main idea.
* Please release EPRs between 2:00 & 3:00 on Thursday, December 19th. We will make an announcement to remind you! Click here for our EPR expectations.
* The calendar designated a workday on January 6th and a PLC day on February 14th. Leadership agreed to trade our full PLC day in February to half in January. We will meet as a staff half of January 6th and half on February 14th. The other half of those days will be your workday.
Our focus on January 6th will be math.
Happy Birthday
Danielle Pearson - December 9th
Go For the Gold
* Thank you to Christy Dismang and her wonderful family for helping during Kindergarten Registration!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Evans/Fitch
Technology CoTeaching
Below you will find examples and information snippets from the first technology co-teaching rotation in kindie, first and second grades.
Second Grade Rotation #1
Content: Roles, Rights, Responsibilities, and Conflict Resolution in School Communities
Tech Tool: Spark Video
Second graders analyzed a school community and identified what their Role, Rights, and Responsibilities are within that community. In addition, they brainstormed common conflicts that happen in those specific communities and gave various solutions on how to resolve those conflicts.
First Grade Rotation #1
Content: Non Fiction Text Learning
Tech Tools: Camera editing tools & Spark Video
First Graders became an expert on their non-fiction book. They recorded their learnings on sticky notes in their books. Then using the camera feature on their iPad they cropped pictures to ensure their pictures enhanced what their words were
Content: Going for the Gold
Tech Tool: ChatterPix
Student Sample #1: Favorite Center
Student Sample #2: Going for the GOLDStudent Sample #3: Spookly Pumpkins
Kindergartners used ChatterPix to take a selfie and describe what it means to Go For The Gold. In addition, they highlighted their favorite centers in their kindergarten class. Students utilized oral rehearsal to organize their thinking and determine what key ideas should be conveyed to connect to their main idea.