Thursday, December 19, 2019

Congratulations to our GRE Apple award nominees! 
Thank you Tammy & Gail for all you do!


This Week
* PLC Day - Bring your phone with one picture from break.

* iReady probe open

* SD: Supporting Social/Emotional Needs in the Classroom

* Kindie plan day

* 2:00 Spelling Bee in the gym for grades 3-5.

* We will begin our RtI behavior team Monday, January 13. Click here for the paperwork.

* Please sign up for your mid-year evaluation. If Jenny is your evaluator, her days are 1/13 & 1/22. If Libby is your evaluator, her days are 1/14 & 1/21. A sub will be provided. Please review your mid-year evaluation two days prior and come with specific questions if you have any.

* Students in grades K-3 who fell below the iReady diagnostic cut score will need to take the probe January 7 - 17.

* January 6 PLC Day Agenda

Happy Birthday
Hays Padrnos - December 25th
Kym Koford - January 1st
Shari Hokanson - January 2nd
Linda Pettinger - January 10th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you everyone for a fabulous first half of the year!
* Thank you Gail for hosting our staff party!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Burggraff
Lounge Duty: Fleet/Dazzio

Sunday, December 15, 2019

I Spy...
An amazing Specials Team!


This Week
* Wear plaid
* Chick-Fil-A lunch

* Wear green, red or blue
* Mad Greens lunch

* Ugly sweater
* SD: Holiday Cheer

* Sparkle, shimmer & shine
* EPRs due
* 4:30 Holiday party

* Winter break!

* Release EPRs between 2:00-3:00. Click here for GRE expectations.

* Chloe Berge's family will be providing lunch from Chick-Fil-A on Monday.

* We will provide lunch from Mad Greens on Tuesday.

* Please remember to send in your family picture by Monday.

* We are having an influx of students coming to the office for snacks. Please remind your students to bring a snack from home. Please also remind them to not bring personal items out to recess.

Our Holiday Party is right around the corner at Gail Golish's house - 8235 N. Sunburst Trail. There will be good food and great company!  Don't miss it!  And most importantly - the Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament finale will be at the party.  If you have not been working on your bracket, get going!!  We must be to the final round by next Thursday!  That super cool shirt is waiting for you!

* Our PLC day is the morning of January 6th. Click here for the agenda. The afternoon is your workday.

* Access testing will be January 15-17 and January 21-24th
 9:40-10:45 am

1:20-3:30 pm
Please do not schedule special events during these times.

The Douglas County School District launched its School Capacity and Boundary Analysis survey on Monday, December 9. The survey will remain open through Friday, January 3.  This survey will provide DCSD with critical community input on potential strategies to optimize school facility space in DCSD.  See additional information below.

Calendar Clarification
* In April, we have students on the 16th. There is no school on the 17th as it is a conference comp day. Our PLC day is Monday, April 20th.

Happy Birthday
* Krista Hardin - December 16
* Amy Fugier - December 17

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Mandy Miller for allowing us to video tape you and share your expertise!
* Thank you Megan Fleet, Maren Bell, Kristi Barta and Jenny Brown for subbing!
* Thank you Kristi Barta for facilitating our Guided Reading class! You are amazing at what you do!
* Thank you Maya Bethea for giving up your sub! It was truly appreciated!
* Thank you Karen Warner for teaching two classes at a time! You saved us!
* Thank you Gail Golish for hosting our staff party!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Brown/Anderson

Technology Co-Teaching Rotation #2 Intermediate

3rd Grade Rotation #2
Content: Rocks & Informative Writing
Tech Tool: Google Slides & Screencastify

Third graders published their learning of rock content through a Google Slide. While building their slides they learned about organizing nonfiction information with boxes and bullets and how they can use their voice to expand upon a bulleted key idea. Students were introduced to Screencastify as a way to capture their voice and make their teaching movie come to life.

Student Sample #1

Student Sample #2

4th Grade Rotation #2
Content: NonFiction Reading Synthesizing, making a claim & Defending with evidence
Tech Tool: Researching, digital annotating & Google Apps; documents & slides

Fourth graders solved a mystery! They were given a mystery scenario where they could only use six digital resources to make a claim and determine where the mystery fossil was found. They annotated their findings on a google document and then created a google slides presentation that outlined the clues from each resource and defended their claim of the specific continent and habitat the fossil was found in.

5th Grade Rotation #2
Content: Renewable/NonRenewable Energy Sources & Argumentative Essays
Tech Tool: Google Slides, Screencastify, & Abcya Animation

Renewable Energy sources guided our co teaching work together. Students utilized what they were learning in writing argumentative essays to make a claim on where they should place a new company and what renewable energy source would be utilized in that location. Students analyzed all of the energy sources and then created an animation showing the machinery and item requirements to harness and convert renewable energy into power.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

I Spy...
Incredible Kindie teachers!


This Week

* 7:30 - 8:15 Book Study

* 8:00 Spelling Bee practice in the Gold Mine room
* Administer iReady diagnostic
* SD: OYO - EPRs
* 3:45 - 4:30 Book Study

* Jenny admin meeting
* Administer iReady diagnostic

* Administer iReady diagnostic

* Please administer the iReady diagnostic between Wednesday, December 11th - Friday December 13th.

* Please enter DRA/F & P data into IC and on your GRE data doc.

* Don't forget to send Kristi your 'family photo' by December 16th at noon!

* Please let Libby or Stephanie Brown know if you are interested in serving on our behavior RtI committee.

* Please release EPRs between 2:00 & 3:00 on Thursday, December 19th. We will make an announcement to remind you! Click here for our EPR expectations.

* The calendar designated a workday on January 6th and a PLC day on February 14th. Leadership agreed to trade our full PLC day in February to half in January. We will meet as a staff half of January 6th and half on February 14th. The other half of those days will be your workday.
Our focus on January 6th will be math. 

Happy Birthday
Danielle Pearson - December 9th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you to Christy Dismang and her wonderful family for helping during Kindergarten Registration!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Evans/Fitch

Technology CoTeaching
Below you will find examples and information snippets from the first technology co-teaching rotation in kindie, first and second grades.
Second Grade Rotation #1
Content: Roles, Rights, Responsibilities, and Conflict Resolution in School Communities
Tech Tool: Spark Video

Second graders analyzed a school community and identified what their Role, Rights, and Responsibilities are within that community. In addition, they brainstormed common conflicts that happen in those specific communities and gave various solutions on how to resolve those conflicts. 

First Grade Rotation #1
Content: Non Fiction Text Learning
Tech Tools: Camera editing tools & Spark Video

First Graders became an expert on their non-fiction book. They recorded their learnings on sticky notes in their books. Then using the camera feature on their iPad they cropped pictures to ensure their pictures enhanced what their words were

Kindergarten Rotation #1
Content: Going for the Gold
Tech Tool: ChatterPix

Student Sample #1: Favorite Center
Student Sample #2: Going for the GOLD
Student Sample #3: Spookly Pumpkins

Kindergartners used ChatterPix to take a selfie and describe what it means to Go For The Gold. In addition, they highlighted their favorite centers in their kindergarten class. Students utilized oral rehearsal to organize their thinking and determine what key ideas should be conveyed to connect to their main idea.

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...