Saturday, March 30, 2019


This Week
* Leadership team meeting

* Libby READ meeting

* SD: CMAS training & Dyslexia resources

* Jenny admin meeting
* Fire Drill - time tbd

* iReady progress monitor
* Complete district survey by Friday

District Strategic Plan Survey
On Monday, April 1, the strategic plan survey link will be sent out widely to DCSD staff, families and community members. We are also asking that students participate in the survey. The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey and messaging about the survey will be available in English and Spanish.
The survey window will close on Sunday, April 7.
We are asking schools to provide time in class for students in grades 3 through 12 to take the survey.

For students in Pre-K through grade 2, we will encourage parents to assist their children in taking the survey.

Teachers in grades 3-5, please have your students complete the survey in class this week. 

* Summative reflections will be held on April 22nd & 25th for Jenny, and April 23rd & 29th for Libby. Anita will send out a link to sign up this week.

* Please take only what you need from the production room & supply closet. Whole packages of paper are being taken and it is difficult to track inventory.

* This week, your Social Committee will be starting a Kindness Chain. We want to spread the love at GRE!! Every person is part of a chain that will perform an act of kindness for someone else. Watch for a treat/kindness to come your way over the next couple weeks. It will include a list to help you know who you will treat! Thanks for helping our Spring be filled with kindness!!

* As you may be aware, the State of Colorado is currently considering funding full day kindergarten for all students. While we would not be able to accommodate this for all children based on our building's capacity, we are considering adding a third full day class based on parents' preferences.
Our programming would therefore consist of the following: one morning and one afternoon half day class and three full day classes. We would hire an additional highly qualified teacher for the full day class. If legislation were to pass, full day classes would come at no cost to families. If legislation does not pass, we will proceed with our current offerings (two morning classes, one afternoon class and two full day classes.)

Go For the Gold
* Thank you teachers for all of your time and efforts with parent/teacher conferences!
* Thank you Kelly Broecker & Jamie Marchese for helping with interviews!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Russell/Shepperd

Friday, March 15, 2019

Have a relaxing spring break!


This Week

* Lab visits

* 7:30 Staff Meeting in the Gold Mine room.

* Parent/teacher conferences

* 4th grade Young AmeriTowne

* Please complete the TLCC survey by March 16th. 

* We are going to have trainers on Wednesday, March 27th to perform a Dyslexia simulation. We will begin at 7:30 in the Gold Mine room.

* If you have not done so already, please sign up for your DRA day. Please note that subs are very tight and if we are short subs, we will ask you to reschedule your testing day. Thank you for being flexible.

* Click here for the CMAS schedule.

* Every year, Legend and Chaparral girls' soccer teams compete to collect shoes to donate. Click here for more information.

Happy Birthday
Jeannette Shepperd - March 27th
Gail Golish - March 29th
Karen Petty - March 31st
Shelbi Westra - March 31st

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Mel Berry for covering more classrooms!
* Thank you Jenn Poli, Kelly Broecker and Bree Roon for helping with interviews.
* Thank you Gail for an amazing Book Fair!
* Thank you Megan Fleet, Megan Wallace and Kristi Barta for covering classes. You are lifesavers!!
* Thank you Tammy Simpson, Justin Brakefield, Megan Fleet and Cindy Bell for helping with morning car loop!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Robart/Roberts

Friday, March 8, 2019

Right around the corner!


This Week
* 8:00 - 4:00 Book Fair

* 8:00 - 4:00 Book Fair

* 8:00 - 4:00 Book Fair
* SD: Prepare for conferences

* Jenny admin meeting
* Parent/teacher conferences
* 8:00 - 6:30 Book Fair

* 8:00 - 2:00 Book Fair
Happy Spring Break!

* There will be no Library special this week due to the book fair.

* Please complete the TLCC survey by March 16th.

* Please let Christy Dismang know if you hear of any students possibly not returning to GRE next year.

* Norm reminder: Please make sure your own children are with you before and after school or in your classroom.

* Please proof your class yearbook sheet and return it to Christy Dismang by Wednesday, March 13th.

Happy Birthday
Jessalyn Russell - March 14th

New Adventure
* Tassia Hegyi will be moving to California over spring break. We wish her the best in her new adventure!

Please help us welcome the following people:
* Lauren Rayens - 5th Grade Teacher @ GRE for 2019-2020
* Christina Kaufmann - 4th Grade Teacher for Hegyi

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Karen Warner for covering afternoon crosswalk duty.
* Thank you Mel Berry for covering a class!
* Thank you Jamie Marchese & Stephanie Brown for helping with interviews!
* Thank you everyone for a great, first night of conferences!
* Thank you Bree Roon and Stacie Martino for allowing us to video tape your amazing teaching!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Hoff/Steinher

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Congratulations Sarah Wilson on your engagement!

MARCH 2019

This Week

* Lab Cohort Group @ 7:30

* SD: Plan for conferences

* Jenny admin meeting
* Parent/teacher conferences

* Libby CMAS training

* If you have conferences you would like Jenny or Libby to attend, please let them know.

* Please complete the TLCC survey by March 16th.

* Please send Libby the names of students you would like tested in a small group for CMAS.

* Please update progress monitoring data in READ plans.

* DCSD is ready to start creating its road map for the next four years. If you would like to provide insight and have input about the strategic planning process, you are invited to join the following conversations:

PARKER Thursday, March 7
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. @ Cimarron Middle School

A survey for all staff and students in grades 3-5 will be available the week after spring break. All will be asked to provide their feedback. 

The CIPG team is seeking to collect feedback from teachers and leaders to inform our process as we begin to vet K-8 science materials for DCSD.  You are welcome to preview available materials on the following dates:

·       March 7th - Cimarron Middle School, 7am to 5pm
·       March 14th - Mountain Vista High School, 7am to 5pm

You can also explore these resources on your own by using the free trials found on the Science Resource Exploration website.  For each resource you explore, please complete this brief survey.

This is an exciting time of year for many on our staff!  Please help us congratulate the following individuals on their exciting new adventures for 2019-2020:

* Kristi Barta - Induction & Staff Development (3 Days/Week) @ GRE

* Stephanie Brown - Math Interventionist & GT/READ Act Coordinator @ GRE!
* Bree Roon - Second Grade Teacher @ GRE!
* Kristen Leuschner - Third Grade Teacher @ GRE!

* Michelle Anderson - Teaching in Central America! 

* Meghan Hoff - Working for her family business!
* Jeanette Shepperd - Continuing in real estate! 
* Lindsay Reeves - Staying home with her new baby boy!

Happy Birthday
Cherie Behar - March 6th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Jenny Brown and Kristi Barta for covering classes!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Leuschner
Lounge Duty: Anderson/Graham

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...