Sunday, August 27, 2017

Best Staff Ever!

This Week
7:45 Social Media Meeting

7:45 Tech office hours
7:45 Book Study  (See below)

SD: Continue WTW discussions

7:30-8:15 Tech committee meeting
3rd Grade planning day

7:30 New teacher meeting
Digger Dash Assembly - (See below)

* If you have not done so already, please share classroom reading and spelling data and with Jenny, Libby, and Kristi, Stephanie Brown, Jamie Marchese, Tammy Simpson, Justin Brakefield, and Krista Hardin.

* Enter all reading data into Infinite Campus by September 1st.

* Click here for Istation norms. Grades 1-5, please assess ALL students on Istation between September 18-September 20. The window closes on September 20th. Kindergarten, please assess the week of September 25th.

* We will enter CITE 6 data during staff development on September 6th.

* Digger Dash assembly will be on Friday. The whole school will be on the front black top from 1:40-2:00. Classroom teachers please plan on participating (we will make it harmless!) If you are not a classroom teacher, please plan on helping supervise the students. Our rain day plan will be as follows: K, 1, 2 will be in the gym from 1:20-1:40. 3rd-5th grades will be in the gym from 1:45-2:05.

Norm Review
* Please remember the office copier is for office staff only. All teachers, please use the copier in the book or production room.

Conference Dates
Our fall conferences will be September 28th and October 5th. These changed from our Leadership  team meeting because our Lockdown training was moved until after fall break.

Teacher Leadership Opportunities
* Book Study - If you are interested in leading a book study with Jenny, Libby, and Kristi please join us for more information on Tuesday morning at 7:45.

* Fun Committee - Strengthening our school culture by celebrating and having fun. Please let Jenny know if you are interested.

* Social Media Committee - If you are interested in serving on this committee, please join us Monday morning at 7:45 in the office conference room.

* RtI - Please let Stephanie Brown know if you are interested in serving on the committee. We meet Friday mornings at 7:30.

Happy Birthday
Michelle Anderson - August 30th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you everyone for giving up your time for extra duties last week!
* Thank you Jenny Brown for the eclipse glasses!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty:  Hawk/Lautenbach

Saturday, August 19, 2017

August 2017

Click here for the staff / professional development the calendar for the year. 
We have several morning meetings this year due to our book study and these days are listed through December.


Being a Digital Team - Wear Your Favorite Jersey / Sports Team

Digital Footprint - Wear Crazy Socks
7:30 Leadership Team meeting in the Gold Mine room
2:30-3:30 4th & 5th band demo

Giving Credit / Copyright - Twin Day
SD: Words Their Way 
9:00-10:00 Orchestra demo

Internet Safety - Dress As A Super Hero (*Please remind kids no weapons or masks)
Plan Day 5th grade am - 4th grade pm

Privacy & Security - GRE Spirit Wear


Solar Eclipse Viewing
* Our glasses arrived! We were able to get solar glasses for all teachers and students. Please plan on meeting on the field by your grade level cone at 11:30.

·    * Glasses will be given to teachers as their classes head outside.  They are extremely dark so please pass your glasses out to students when you are seated on the field.  You might want to bring blankets for your class to sit on during the viewing. As students are walking out remind them not to look at the sky.  If you have any students that you are concerned about let Jenny or Libby know no later than 9 AM Monday.

* Please remind students that they may not remove their glasses while outside.  Students who take them off should be sent indoors.  Active supervision is essential!

The lunch schedule will be tweaked to accommodate this event.

* Morning kindergarten classes will view this event from 11:10-11:30.

* If your students bring in glasses you must check to see that the following number is present: ISO 12312-2 international standard. Please also make sure that glasses are not scratched. If you are unsure have students wear GRE's glasses.

* Please preview/discuss the eclipse with students prior to coming out (see resources below).

What it Will Look Like During the Solar Eclipse

School Norms
* Please remember to post on your blog once a month. If you haven't posted for August already please do so.  Please provide an overview of content/curriculum for August and things parents can do to help their children at home.  You can use other methods of communication (See Saw, Email, written letter etc), but the content must also appear on the blog monthly.  Please plan on your second post occurring on September 1. 

PTO Reimbursement of $100 - Teachers Only
* Please turn in your receipts for school supplies to PTO for reimbursement by September 1.  Please submit all receipts at once totaling $100.  Receipts should only show school items and spirit wear can be included.

Gifts from the Heart for Western Night

* Parents are able to participate in a raffle to win a variety of gift baskets.  If you are interested in offering a simple gift, such as a special breakfast or lunch together at school, please complete this google survey.

Staff Development Reminder
* Please come to staff development with your class Words Their Way Initial Inventory scored.  We will talk about groups and best instructional practices then.  Here are staff development times for the year.

Tech Support 

* Please email Megan Fleet if you have tech questions or if something isn't working.  See tech office hours on the pd calendar.  You can also reach out to the following tech leaders:
Stephanie Brown (K)
Melissa Robart (1)
Naomi Meredith (3)
Becca McMillan (3)
Allison Hawk (5)
Ashley Dalcerri (5)

Mandatory Trainings 

Click here for information regarding mandatory trainings that are required for all staff members.  The following trainings are due by September 8th:

  • Respect at Work
  • Standard Response Protocol
  • Run, Hide, Fight
  • Child Abuse and Neglect Mandatory Training
  • Privacy Act Compliance

Jennifer Hunsinger - OT

* Thank you to everyone for a great Back to School Night and Assessment days!
* The Karens for helping set up for the principal's presentation on Back to School Night!
* Toby for making the building shine for parents this week and for all the help with set up!

Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Broecker/Dalcerri

Saturday, August 12, 2017

August 2017

Click here for the staff / professional development the calendar for the year. 
We have several morning meetings this year due to our book study and these days are listed through December.


* 7:45 Tech office hours
* 9:00 Fire Drill

Back to School Night
5:45-6:00 Parent informational in gym
6:05-6:35 First session
6:40-7:10 Second session

* Assessment Day
* Cross Grade Level Articulation (See Schedule Below)

* Assessment Day


* Mandatory Trainings 

Click here for information regarding mandatory trainings that are required for all staff members.  The following trainings are due by September 8th:

  • Respect at Work
  • Standard Response Protocol
  • Run, Hide, Fight
  • Child Abuse and Neglect Mandatory Training
  • Privacy Act Compliance

* Assessment Day Info

Click here for the assessment day schedule.  Please review your assignment and the getting ready and day of logistics shown below.  See Libby, Jenny, Kristi or your team leader if you have questions.

Get Ready

·   Get enough DRA/F&P student response sheets for the entire day.

·  See Kristi if you need additional copies of F & P books.

·   Read with your kids and look at articulation data to determine an approximate starting level.

·   Plan to read with your kid for the full 20 minutes. Complete a reading interest inventory if you finish early.

·  Plan to have students with you the full assessment hour.

·  Be ready to start right at 9:00 AM.

·   RELAX! Enjoy the time with your kids! Remember no lesson plans!

Day Of Logistics
·   Assessments will be administered in individual classrooms.
·   Greeters will deliver 3 students to your classroom every hour and help them log onto I Station.
·   Highlight on your class list students that did not finish any of the assessments so you can complete them at a later date.
·   Pause I Station when you are ready for them to start their DRA/F&P assessment
·   Students will be escorted back to the gym by one of the greeters where they will meet their parents and take the picture.
·   Take your picture (7:30-8:15 or at lunch)

* Articulation Meetings on August 17

Please come prepared to share information regarding students that you had the previous year.  Please also bring your questions for your incoming students.

Meeting Level Meetings & Locations
K - 1 @ Library
2 - 3 @ Library
4 - 5 @ Gold Mine Room
Sped, RtI, ESL, ALP @ Gold Mine Room
1 - 2 @ Library
3 - 4 @ Gold Mine Room
Sped, RtI, ESL, ALP @ Gold Mine Room

* Back to School Night

Jenny will kick off Back to School night from 5:45-6:00 in the gym.  She will share school celebrations, upcoming goals and tips for helping at home. The first teacher session will be from 6:05-6:35 PM & the second session from 6:40-7:10. Please plan on sharing the following with parents during your sessions:  

* Talk about what our school values, what they mean to you and how they will be seen in your   classroom.

* Changes in location for Instructional Materials
The following materials were moved this summer:
  • Construction paper is now located in the downstairs paper room right at the bottom of the stairs leading to the second grade hallway
  • Extra math manipulatives are housed in the book room on the shelves
  • Random science materials (balances, safety goggles, microscopes, etc) are now upstairs in the store room between Jenn Poli's class and Justin Brakefield's room
  • The old science closet (in first grade hallway) was cleaned out over the summer and you can now walk in!  Science kits are housed in that room.
Please ensure that you are doing your part to keep these materials organized.  If you use something, follow our norms of putting it back in the correct place.

* Solar Eclipse
There is a solar eclipse on Monday, August 21st. We are working on getting protective glasses so students are able to observe the eclipse safely. Viewing the eclipse without proper safety glasses can cause significant eye damage. Please know that we will have indoor recess on the 21st as a safety precaution, but Jenny, Libby and Kristi hope to take out grade levels with the protective eye glasses between 10:30-1:15. We will send you an email with more information on Monday. Click here for instructional materials/activities from NASA.

Digital Citizenship Week Schedule: All copies have been delivered by Christy S. Please email Megan Fleet with any questions.

Technology CoTeaching Schedule: This document includes the dates for grade level plan days, the assigned grade level weeks, and if you scroll down you will see the assigned teacher times within each grade level week.

iStation Update: When opening iStation for the first time, it will prompt you to enter a domain name. Please type in gold rush and select our school from the dropdown screen. You only have to do this one time.
iPads: Megan completed this step on all iPads.
Laptops: iStation is an icon on the dock, students can click the icon one time and then type in gold rush for the domain name and select our school from the dropdown prior to testing for the first time.
Chromebooks: Once students login to their chromebook, they will click on the apps button on the bottom left hand side, and they will find iStation in their list of apps. Then they can type in gold rush and select our school from the dropdown screen.


   Sarah Sommers - PM Full Day Kindie EA                 

Molly Trent - SSN EA

Becky Woolums - August 19th

• Thank you Libby Bergner, Karen Petty and Toby for helping with the Flag Ceremony!
• Thank you Toby and Christy Schwalick for all of your help getting ready for the start of our school year!
• Thank you Karen Warner for being flexible with your space for our Go For the GOLD assemblies!
• Thank you everyone for a fantastic first week of school!

Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge Duty: Poli/Westra

Sunday, August 6, 2017

August 2017

This Week
9:00 Meet Your Teacher
12:00 Staff lunch at Hacienda

8:30 Professional Development

8:00-8:30 Breakfast
8:30 Professional Development: Stephanie Harvey in the gym

First Day of School!
8:10 Flag Ceremony

Go For the Gold assembly

Meet Your Teacher
* Please collect your student directory and emergency dismissal forms from parents. Turn all forms in together to Anita on Friday, August 11. Give your roster to Libby on Friday.
* Please remind parents to sign up for their Assessment Day if they haven't already.
* If you are not a classroom teacher, please plan on helping direct parents to classrooms. Meet in the    vestibule at 8:30.
* Please make sure that you know how your children are getting home each day.  You may want to
   use Stacie's google form.  Don't forget to make a copy of the document if you plan on using it.    
   Thank you for sharing Stacie!

Flag Ceremony
Please meet your class outside on the front playground no later than 8:10.

Lunchroom Fun
There will be a lunchroom/recess training on August 10 for Full Day Kindergarten and 1st grade.
10:00 AM Martino, Roon & Dean 10:15 Playground
10:15 AM Wilson, Robart & Zankey 10:30 Playground

When dropping off your kids for lunch, please have them carry their cold lunches.  Please make sure that your empty lunch tubs are clearly labeled.

Gold For The GOLD
Students will have a Go For the GOLD assembly during their specials time on Friday.  If you have the odd schedule, please plan on dropping your students off during the regular grade level specials' time.

* Turn in your own Staff Emergency Form to the office. This form is in your office folder.
* Turn your receipts totaling $100 to PTO.  They will reimburse you for spirit wear too.

Click here for more Pearson Realize Reminders
Thank you Naomi for sharing!

Happy Birthday!
Rebecca Johnson - August 9th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you to Janis and Anita for all that you do to get us ready for the year!  We appreciate your ongoing support and organization!

* Thank you Stephanie Brown and Megan Fleet for leading the new teachers in I Station & blog training!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hawk
Lounge Duty: Dunker/Kramer

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...