Sunday, January 29, 2017

January / February

This Week


8:40 Fire Drill
2nd grade plan day

7:30 Leadership team meeting in the Gold Mine room

SD: Building a culture of math.

Jenny admin meeting

6:00-8:00 Sock Hop

* Please acknowledge your mid year evaluations in InspirED. 

* Please make sure that you are updating your blog at the beginning of the month.  Your newsletter should preview upcoming learning concepts and events.

* Please make sure all reading data sheets are completed with mid year results by this Wednesday.

* Jenny and Anita will be leading a social media committee.  We will meet every other Monday starting this Monday at 7:45-8:15.  Committee members will help communicate the great work that happens at Gold Rush every day.

* Our community is collecting gift cards for one of our families who lost their home in a fire. If you would like to contribute please give the card to Janis. 

Kindness Week
Kindness Week is quickly approaching! This year Kindness Week will be February 13th-16th. 
• Thursday, Feb. 16th, we will have our door decorating contest. This is an optional activity for teachers - you do not have to participate! If you would like to, have your class decorate your classroom door in a way that represents kindness. We will have a few judges walk around in the afternoon on the 16th, and pick a winner for K-2, and a winner for 3-5. 
• Each teacher will have a class set of the Kindness Checklist to pass out to students on Monday, Feb. 13th. (These will be in your copy box in the workroom) Students will be challenged to complete as many of these acts as they can throughout the week.
• Please let Bev or Kylee know if you have any questions!

Some of you have asked for the recipe for the seasoned pretzels from our PLC day.  Here it is:

1 bag of pretzels (15-16 ounces)
1/2 bottle Orville Redenbacher's popcorn oil
1 pkg. dry Ranch dressing mix
1 tsp. garlic powder
small amount of lemon pepper

Place all ingredients in a large ziploc and let sit for about a day.  Turn the bag a few times.  The pretzels should absorb the seasoning and oil over time.

Happy Birthday
Dixie Litzsinger - February 2nd
Jenny Borchert - February 3rd

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Jenn Poli and Jeannette Shepherd for covering robotics classes in the STEAM lab!
* Thank you Jen Borchert for covering crosswalk all week!
* Thank you to everyone who covered car loop duties!
* Thank you to our Fat Friday team for the delicious tacos!
* Thank you so much to all of the people who helped with car loop last week!
* Thank you for being so warm and welcoming to our acting admin! Here is feedback Jenny received from Cindy:
It was a pleasure to be at Gold Rush. What a great school! You have an amazing school - your staff is WONDERFUL! So kind, supportive and helpful. 

Golden Nuggets
Morning announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge duty: Holtzer/Lewis

Sunday, January 22, 2017


This Week
* 4th grade plan day
* Jenny mid year conferences

* 7:30 Leadership Team Meeting Moved to January 31
* 5th grade plan day

* Jenny, Libby & Kristi @ Math Conference - Doug Kapeller is the acting Administrator

* 3rd grade plan day
* Jenny, Libby & Kristi @ Math Conference - Cindy Corlett is the acting Administrator

* Libby mid year conferences
* Fat Friday - Super Bowl Party Treats!

• Jenny, Libby, and Kristi will be out on Wednesday and Thursday.  Doug Kapeller will be acting admin on the 25th and Cindy Corlett will be here on the 26th. Both are administrators at Cimarron.

• All mid year evaluations need to be acknowledged by February 7th. Please complete this step after your mid year conference.

• We are starting to plan for the 2017-2018 school year.  Please let us know your interest for next year by completing this survey by Tuesday, January 23.

• Please submit your receipts to the PTO box by the end of February.

• Teachers, please collect all change that students bring in for Wish Week in a Zip-lock baggie. An officer from student council will collect the change at the end of each day and bring it to the office. They will put the baggie back in your box for the following day. Thank you for your help with this!

Wish Week: Making A Child's Dream Possible
Gold Rush is excited to participate in Legend High School's Wish Week next week!  Rayne, a seven year old girl with Hodgkins Lymphoma dreams of going to Disney World for her birthday in April. Students can bring change each day if they wish to participate in Legend's spirt events.  All proceeds will contribute to Rayne's dream ! We look forward to joining other schools and making Rayne's dreams come true!

Monday 1/23 - Girls Ski - Boys Summer
Tuesday1/24 - Girls Fairies - Boys Western Wear
Wednesday - Sports Day
Thursday - Anything Disney
Friday - Girls Pink - Boys Blue

Happy Birthday
Stephanie Braden - January 25th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Lara Castro for facilitating the Spelling Bee!
* Thank you Karen Petty, Karen Warner, and Kerry Dazzio for being so flexible with your space and schedule!
* Thank you Bev Holtzer for organizing the explorer assembly!
* Thank you Megan Fleet, Becca McMillan, Jessalyn Russell, Kylee Lautenbach, and Ashley Dalcerri for facilitating tech sessions!

Golden Nuggets
Morning announcements: Hawk
Lounge duty: Anderson/Kramer

Monday, January 16, 2017


This Week
Monday - No school

* 2:00 Spelling Bee in the gym for grades 3-5.

* SD: 7:30 Tech sessions in original locations
* Libby mid-year evaluations

* Jenny admin meeting
* 4:30-5:30 SAC meeting

* 9:00-10:00 Explorer presentation 3rd, 4th & 5th grades
* Jenny mid-year evaluations

* Thank you for being flexible with the technology on Friday. Tech sessions will be held Wednesday morning. Please report to the original location by 7:30. Click here for the Tech Menu.

* We value your feedback! Please click here to complete the PLC day reflection.

* Please indicate your intentions / preferences for next school year by Wednesday, January 18.  Click here for the google doc.

* We will be doing an additional information session for parents who are considering open enrolling at Gold Rush. We will be providing tours on Wednesday from 2:00-3:00. We may stop in your classroom during that time period.

* Please submit your nomination for a student who has gone above and beyond in the PTO box by Thursday.

* Please submit your receipts for reimbursement to the PTO box by the end of February.

STEAM Lab Schedule

Happy Birthday
Catherine Graham - January 20th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you tech committee for your valuable input!
• Abbey said, "We work with the best people!" We completely agree! Thank you everyone for a great PLC day!
• Thank you Megan Fleet, Nicole Moore, Naomi Meredith, and Allison Hawk for leading the robotics  exploration!
• Congratulations to Kylee Lauterbach for running a marathon on Sunday!
• Congratulations Becca McMillan for being chosen as a SeeSaw ambassador!
• Thank you Karen Warner for being flexible with your gym space!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Russell/Shepperd

Sunday, January 8, 2017


This Week
9:30-12:15 3rd grade in-house field trip in the gym

7:30 Tech committee meeting in the tech lab

No staff development

Jenny admin meeting


• Revised planning days:
     Kindie - January 26th
     3rd Grade - January 27th
     2nd Grade - January 30th

• Please complete your mid year self-evaluation in InspireED by January 15th.

Click here for the revised PLC Day agenda. Our focus will be on pushing students' thinking in math through questions, exploring apps and discussing technology cross grade levels.

• Please remember to put your nomination for a student who has gone above and beyond in the PTO box by Thursday, January 12th.

• PTO will reimburse all K-5 certified staff $100 for supplies or classroom needs. Please submit receipts to the PTO box by the end of February.

• Please sign up for your mid year conference on the calendar on Janis' desk. Classified staff, please email Libby a time that would work for you.

• We are doing an information session for parents that are considering open enrolling at Gold Rush.  We will be providing tours from 9:15-10:00.  Please know that we may stop in your classroom during that time period.  

Robotics STEAM Lab schedule

Go For the Gold
• Thank you teachers for being flexible with your planning days! Thank you Kristi Barta for rearranging all of the subs!
• Thank you Karen Petty for cleaning the lounge when it's not your week!
• Thank you Allison Hawk, Ashley Dalcerri, and Stephanie Brown for teaching in the STEAM lab!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Castro/Meredith

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Welcome Back

January 2017

This Week
Monday - No school
Tuesday - Welcome Back!!
* SD - Define differentiation

Mid Year Evaluation To Dos
* Please complete your mid year self-evaluation by January 15th in InspirED.

* Jenny & Libby will both provide rotating subs for mid year evaluation discussions.  Please sign up with Janis for a 40 minute block on one of the following days:

January 18 & January 27  - Libby
January 20 & 23 - Jenny

* Classified staff, please schedule a time with Libby to complete your mid year evaluation. These are due by January 31st.

January PLC Day Agenda
* Our focus will be on pushing students' thinking in math through questions, exploring apps and discussing technology cross grade levels.

Robotics STEAM Lab schedule

Happy Birthday
Melissa Robart - January 7th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Rochelle Evans for hosting the holiday party! It was so fun!
• Thank you teachers for all of the time and effort you put into EPRs!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge Duty: Office staff

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...