Sunday, September 25, 2016

This Week
Monday: 8:30-9:30 Meghann Silverthorn visit 
Tuesday: Parent/teacher conferences
Wednesday: SD: OYO
PM - 3rd grade math & tech plan
Thursday: Jenny admin meeting
AM - 4th grade math & tech plan
Friday: Fat Friday lunch!
AM - 1st grade math & tech plan

• If you have any parent/teacher conferences that you would like Jenny or Libby to attend, please let them know.
• If you need help accessing Istation reports, please ask Jenny, Libby, or Kristi.
• Please share assessment data with parents during parent/teacher conferences.
• Please have all CITE 6 data entered by fall break.
• Fat Friday lunch will be provided! This month it will be a soup and potato bar.
• If you are concerned about a student/students and would like to bring them to RtI, Click here for the process and the answers to commonly asked questions. Click here for the paperwork example.

Happy Birthday
Mary Rossi - September 26th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Megan Fleet and all of the teachers who led Appy Hour! Thank you to all of our participants!
• Thank you Naomi Meredith for helping in tech this week!
• Thank you Stephanie Brown for compiling our RtI information and providing examples!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Dazzio/Warner

Appy Hour

Click here for tech resources and challenges.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

September 2016

This Week
Tuesday: 7:30 Leadership Team Mtg. @ Gold Mine Rm
Wednesday: SD: Continue to Enter CITE 6 Baseline Data & Goals
Thursday: 7:30-8:15 Appy Hour @ Library

• Please sign up for your goal setting conference on the calendar on Janis' desk.

•  Please be prepared to share specific assessment data and goals with parents during upcoming conferences.  Parents should walk away with a clear understanding of how their child preformed on Istation and the DRA/F&P, their students' strengths and what their child is working on.

• The tech committee will be hosting our first Appy Hour! If you would like to learn more tips and tricks about Google Apps, please join us in the library on Thursday from 7:30-8:15. If you have specific questions you can submit them HERE.

• Digger dash banners are in the conference room.  Please share your classroom theme with your banner parent and remind her that we are not doing flare this year due to cost and safety.  If you are planning to wear the same color shirt please also share this information.

Happy Birthday
Tobey Vogt - September 20th
Justin Brakefield - September 23rd
Jenny Brown - September 24th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you tech committee for meeting and planning for Appy Hour!
• Thank you to everyone who helped with Cogat testing this week!
• Thank you Allison for a great first book study!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Rayens/Fleet

Mathematical Mindset Book Study
We had a great math book study this week! Thank you Allison for facilitating this discussion. Here are quotes and a video that captures the value of a mathematical mindset.


In an important study, Sian Beilock and colleagues found that the extent of negative emotions elementary teachers held about mathematics predicted the achievement of girls in their classes, but not boys. - pg. 9

Studies of successful and unsuccessful business people show something surprising: what separates the more successful people from the less successful people is not the number of their successes but the number of mistakes they make, with the more successful people making more mistakes.  - pg. 13

If we want students to be making mistakes, we need to give them challenging work that will be difficult for them, that will prompt disequilibrium.  This work should be accompanied by positive messages about mistakes. - pg. 19

For now, one of the most important changes that a teacher (or parent) can easily make - one that has the power to make a huge difference for students - is changing the messages that students receive about mistakes. - pg. 20

When we ask student what math is they will typically say it is a subject of calculations, procedures, or rules.  But when we ask mathematicians what math is, they will say it is the study of patterns; that it is an aesthetic, creative, and beautiful subject. - pg. 22

The difference in math (from other subjects) is due to some widespread misconceptions...that being good at math means being fast, that math is all about certainty and right and wrong answers, and that math is all about numbers.  These misconceptions are held by teachers, students, and parents... Many parents hated mathematics in school, but they still argue for traditional teaching because they think it just has to be that way. - pg. 31

In classrooms students do not experience this important mathematical step (finding an interesting question to ask); instead they spend their time answering questions that seem dead to them, questions they have not asked. - pg. 27

The powerful thinkers in today’s world are not those who calculate fast, as used to be true; fast calculations are now fully automated, routine, and uninspiring.  The powerful thinkers are those who make connections, think logically, and use space, data, and numbers creatively. - pg. 31

Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 2016

This Week
Monday: Cogat Testing Grades 3 & 5
Tuesday: 7:30 Tech committee meeting in the computer lab
Coat Testing Grades 3 & 5
Wednesday: Cogat Testing Grades 3 & 5
SD CITE/Goal setting
Thursday: 7:30 Math book study in the Gold Mine room
4:30-5:30 SAC

• Staff Development: We will be establishing students' goals for Cite 6 during staff development.  Please come with an understanding of which assessments your grade level would like to use and all of your formative data.
• Please remember to walk your students out at the end of the day. ALL teachers should be at the front of the line to ensure all students are walking safely out of the building. Please do not leave the building before the bell rings.
• School pictures will be in your mail boxes on Monday, September 12. Please distribute to students on Monday so parents have an opportunity to view them and decide if they will need a retake on Thursday(retake day). 
• Picture retake day is on Thursday, Sept 15 beginning at 9:00. A runner will come to your classroom to bring students down throughout the day. The photographer will be here until approximately 2:00PM. Students should return their original packages.
• Conferences will be September 27th and October 5th from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm. Canyon Creek is all set up for our Fall Conferences on September 27th and October 5th.  They are set up with 15 minute intervals from 7:30 am - 7:00 pm.  You will need to go in and block out any times that you are not available. You must block your times out by 4:00 pm on Thursday, September 15th.  Parents will be able to schedule their conference starting at 4:00  on Friday, September 16th.
• We are excited to show our spirit for Legend High School next week by participating in their homecoming spirit events.  Next week our future Titans can dress in the same spirit wear that the high school students will be wearing.  See the themes for the week below.

Monday: American Day (Red, white, blue, usa gear, etc.)
Tuesday: Oscar Tuesday (Wear all gold)
Wednesday: Light it up Day (Wear neon and bright colors)
Thursday: (Wear Legend Titans gear, blue, white, navy)
Friday: Black Tie Day (Wear black tie, formal, dress up)

Lockdown Reminders
Thank you for a great job in our lockdown drill. Here are some reminders:
• Please make sure your classroom door is locked every day. If you need a blocker, please let Libby know.
• If the fire alarm is pulled during a lockdown, stay put in lockdown position.
• In the event of a real lockdown, Parker police will evacuate students from your classroom. 
• Never prop open any doors. 
• You do not need to keep track of missing students or email any students you know are missing. Your focus is with the students in your classroom.
Know your classroom number.
• In a real emergency, you are able to initiate a lockdown. You will press *#1, wait for the timer to show on the display, then press 700. We will practice this on our next PLC day.

Happy Birthday
Michelle Hansen - September 12th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you everyone for getting up early and participating in our SRP training!
• Thank you to everyone who participated in our Digger Dash assembly run! You are great sports!
• Thank you Karen Petty and Karen Warner for helping with sound and supplies for the assembly!
• Thank you Bev Holtzer and Kylee Lautenbach for organizing and facilitating the Student Council election!
• Thank you everyone for a great first round of math and technology meetings! A special thanks to Kristi and Megan! See highlights from each grade level's time below.
• Thank you Rochelle Evans, Amanda Widdeson, and Christy Schwalick for being observant and taking great care of our students!

GRE- Technology Celebrations

Grade Level Plans Linked
Instructional Opportunities
Round One
Chatterpix, Problem Solving, Communication & Civic Responsibility
SeeSaw, Communication, Collaboration, Problem Solving & Civic Responsibility Performance Task
Adobe Spark, Communication, Civic Responsibility & SeeSaw with opinion writing
NonFiction Reading, Rocks & Minerals, offline/online Collaboration, Google Classroom, Collaborating on google documents
Nonfiction Reading, Fossils, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving
Google Apps, NonFiction Reading- monitoring comprehension/determining importance, Creativity, Collaboration, Problem Solving, Systems Thinking & Energy

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge Duty: Hawk/Lautenbach

Sunday, September 4, 2016


This Week
Monday: No School!
Tuesday: 1st grade planning day
9:30-2:00 3rd grade field trip to Plains Conservation Center
11:00-12:30 Erin Kane visit
Wednesday: 7:30 SRP training for all staff in the Gold Mine room
10:45 - Lockdown drill
K planning day
Thursday: 2nd grade planning day
2:15 Student Council elections in the gym (4th & 5th grades)
Friday: 3rd grade planning day
2:40 Digger Dash Assembly 
5:00-7:00 Western Night

• Erin Kane, the interim Superintendent, will be visiting classrooms on Tuesday from 11:00-12:30. She is excited to introduce herself and meet our amazing staff!
• We will have a SRP district training on Wednesday at 7:30 in the Gold Mine room. 
• There will be a lockdown drill on Wednesday at 10:45.
• Parent/Teacher conferences will be Tuesday, September 27th and Wednesday, October 5th.
• The Digger Dash assembly will be Friday at 2:40. Please bring your class to the front field and we will direct your class where to sit. We are planning on having teacher relay races. If you are uncomfortable running/jogging in this race, please let Jenny or Libby know by Tuesday. It will be a short distance! Wear workout clothes!
• Student Council elections will be on Thursday, September 8th at 2:15 in the gym. 5th graders will be running for President and Secretary, 4th graders will run for Vice President and Treasurer. Each classroom in 3-5 will be asked to elect/vote one representative to be in student council and have that name to Kylee or Bev by September 16th.

• Naomi shared how she integrated technology into reading comprehension. Click here for the blog post and pictures she took this week. We would love to share more of the amazing work happening at Gold Rush. If you have something to share, please send it to Jenny, Libby, and Kristi!
• There is a new 'Cool Tech Tips' link under 'Pages' on the right side of the blog. Here, you will be able to find tips and our GRE experts who can help you!

Happy Birthday
Jamie Marchese - September 7th

Go For the Gold
• Justin, Karen Warner, Karen Petty, and Jamie rock! Thank you for helping at car loop on Friday!
• Thank you Kristi Barta for organizing all of the subs for our plan days!
• Thank you Tech committee for your insights and support!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements:  Hawk
Lounge Duty: Poli/Dalcerri

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...