This Week:
* No School
* 8:00 - Staff meeting in the Gold Mine room
* 8:00 - Dalcerri/Rayens to Outdoor Ed
* Send yearbooks home
* 11:00 - 5th grade to Tallman Park
* 3:45 - Clap out for 5th graders
* 4:30-? End of year staff party at the Brewery Bar III in Lone Tree.
* Teacher Work Day
* 3:00 - Release EPRs
• Our end of the year staff meeting will be Tuesday, May 31st at 8:00 in the Gold Mine room. Breakfast will be served!
• Our clap out will be Thursday at 3:45. Libby will come around and tell you where your class will be for this event.
• Please put your end of year checklist in Kristi's box by the end of the workday on Friday.
• Please approve your contract in Workday.
• Release your EPRs between 3:00-3:20 on Friday.
• Our End of the Year party will be at the Brewery Bar III in Lone Tree. Appetizers will be provided. We hope to see everyone there!
• Click here for next year's revised schedule. Specials and lunch times have been pushed back five minutes.
Spring EPRs
* In your end of year communication to parents, please include the following regarding spring EPRs:
Backing Up Computers
All teachers need to back up their computers before they are re-imaged. All teachers need to attend a session on either May 31st during the day or on June 1st before school (see details below). Please bring an external hard drive if you want to back up personal pictures and music. Otherwise, it will be lost. Please refer to Jenny's email on May 26th.
Tuesday, May 31st
Megan will come to the following rooms during grade level plan times to help teachers back up their files for re-imaging.
9:15-9:55 Wilson
9:55-10:35 Hawk
10:35-11:15 Kramer
12:15-12:55 Brown
1:15-1:55 Graham
1:55-2:35 Castro
2:35-3:15 Martino
3:15-3:55 Meredith
June 1: 8:15-8:55 in the tech lab.
Installing new hard drives
• Our end of the year staff meeting will be Tuesday, May 31st at 8:00 in the Gold Mine room. Breakfast will be served!
• Our clap out will be Thursday at 3:45. Libby will come around and tell you where your class will be for this event.
• Please put your end of year checklist in Kristi's box by the end of the workday on Friday.
• Please approve your contract in Workday.
• Release your EPRs between 3:00-3:20 on Friday.
• Our End of the Year party will be at the Brewery Bar III in Lone Tree. Appetizers will be provided. We hope to see everyone there!
• Click here for next year's revised schedule. Specials and lunch times have been pushed back five minutes.
* In your end of year communication to parents, please include the following regarding spring EPRs:
We are celebrating students’ growth through Elementary School Progress Reports (EPRs). EPRs will be released to parents on Monday, June 6th, at midnight through Parent Portal. You will be able to access your child's EPR on this date by following the directions below.
· Then to Parent Resources
· Then to EPR. Use your Parent Portal credentials to log in.
· Then click "view Elementary Progress report" under your student's picture
Click here for additional information in the school blog.Backing Up Computers
All teachers need to back up their computers before they are re-imaged. All teachers need to attend a session on either May 31st during the day or on June 1st before school (see details below). Please bring an external hard drive if you want to back up personal pictures and music. Otherwise, it will be lost. Please refer to Jenny's email on May 26th.
Tuesday, May 31st
Megan will come to the following rooms during grade level plan times to help teachers back up their files for re-imaging.
9:15-9:55 Wilson
9:55-10:35 Hawk
10:35-11:15 Kramer
12:15-12:55 Brown
1:15-1:55 Graham
1:55-2:35 Castro
2:35-3:15 Martino
3:15-3:55 Meredith
June 1: 8:15-8:55 in the tech lab.
Installing new hard drives
· Thursday (4PM @ Lab)
o Drop off your teacher computer
o All bookmarks, photos and music must be backed up or they will be lost
· Friday (9-3)
o Install new hard drives & reimage teacher computers
o Turn all ipads, chrome books, classroom computers, carts, headphones and power cordsto your grade level table in the RtI room
· Friday (3-4), Monday (9-11), Tuesday (9-11) or August 1 (8-9)
o Pick up your computer @ lab
o Create an administrator account
o Restore your files/bookmarks
All yearbooks must be distributed on Wednesday, June 1, 2016. There is a sticker inside of each book that was generated from the spreadsheet of yearbook purchases. It has the student’s name, teacher and grade. If there isn’t a yearbook with a sticker for a student, they did not order one.
If there is more than one sticker for an individual student, they ordered more than one so give the yearbooks to them. Don’t send it back to the office. If the sticker does not have a teacher’s name on it, they are either preschool or they no longer attend Gold Rush. You can bring those to the office.
A limited number of extra yearbooks will be sold Thursday morning, June 2 in the office on a first come, first serve basis beginning at 8:00AM. Checks only ($20). Parents must be present to purchase.
Go for the Gold
• Thank you Karen Warner for a fantastic Field Day! You are amazing!
• Thank you Karen Petty, Megan Fleet and Kerry Dazzio for running stations at Field Day!
• Thank you Karen Warner for a fantastic Field Day! You are amazing!
• Thank you Karen Petty, Megan Fleet and Kerry Dazzio for running stations at Field Day!
Happy Birthday
Shelly Williams - June 1st
Shayli Turner - June 3rd
Karen Warner - June 17th
Victoria Bartony - June 24th
Kerry Dazzio - June 25th
Kathryn Kramer - July 1st
Kimberly Peters - July 6th
Abbey Lewis - July 19th
Libby Bergner - July 24th
Bev Holtzer - July 26th
Jen Poli - July 27th
Diane Brown - July 30th
Carolyn Bettner - August 4th
Annelise Lawerence - August 4th
Sherry Dowling - August 5th
Shelly Williams - June 1st
Shayli Turner - June 3rd
Karen Warner - June 17th
Victoria Bartony - June 24th
Kerry Dazzio - June 25th
Kathryn Kramer - July 1st
Kimberly Peters - July 6th
Abbey Lewis - July 19th
Libby Bergner - July 24th
Bev Holtzer - July 26th
Jen Poli - July 27th
Diane Brown - July 30th
Carolyn Bettner - August 4th
Annelise Lawerence - August 4th
Sherry Dowling - August 5th
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Simpson/Braden Friday Treats: No treats!
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Morning Supervision: M. Lewis, Meier, Castro, Evans, Poli, Lautenbach