Sunday, January 24, 2016

Karen Petty's grandson Hendrix!

Mid year conferences
Mid year conferences

JE: Building spring EPRs
Patty @ GRE
Mid year conferences

Sock Hop


This Week:
Monday: Mid-Year Conferences
Tuesday: Mid-Year Conferences
WednesdayStaff Development: Building spring EPRs
*Patty @ GRE
Thursday: Mid-Year Conferences
Friday: 6:00-8:00 Sock Hop

• Please bring your computer to staff development.
• Please remember to finish entering your CITE 6 targets by Wednesday, January 27th. Kristi is happy to help if you need it.
• Certified staff will need to acknowledge mid year rating by February 7th.
• Please upload the following evidence by January 30th if you do not already have something. 2.3 (4Cs rubrics), 2.4 (21st Century assessment), 3.9 (technology), 4.2. (Restorative Practices).
• Click here for the PARCC schedule.

Happy Birthday
Stephanie Braden – January 25th

Go For the Gold
• Congratulations Karen Petty on your new grandson Hendrix Sean Donovan! Hendrix was born on 1/18, weighed in at 8 lbs 12 oz, was 20” long,  and had a 14” head!
• Thank you Lara Castro for leading the Spelling Bee!
• Thank you Megan Fleet for helping and Karen Warner lending your space for the Spelling Bee!
• Thank you Karen Warner for organizing the Bronco pep rally! It was Awesome!
• Thank you Allison Hawk for sharing all of your Bronco gear!

If you have anyone you would like to recognize in the Barker, please let Libby know.

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty:             Graham/Meier                      Friday Treats: Kindie/Preschool
Morning Announcements:  Hawk
Morning Supervision: Shepperd, Metcalf, Meredith, Braden, Kramer, Dalcerri

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...