“The process
of reading is not a half sleep, but in highest sense, an exercise, a
struggle: that the reader is to do something for him or herself, must be on the alert,
indeed the poem, argument, history, metaphysical essay-the text furnishing the
hints, the clue, the start, the framework."
-Walt Whitman
struggle: that the reader is to do something for him or herself, must be on the alert,
indeed the poem, argument, history, metaphysical essay-the text furnishing the
hints, the clue, the start, the framework."
-Walt Whitman
Weekly Blast!
Monday, February 4th
9:30-11:30 Change Agent - Jenny
& Kristi
Tuesday, February 5th Collaboration day with SPED @ Gold Mine Rm
6:30-7:30 PTO meeting @ Gold Mine Rm
1:00-3:00 Elementary Principal
Meeting - Jenny
Wednesday, February 6th Staff Development Topic: Midyear reflection in Halogen
* Bring your computer
Thursday, February 7th Collaboration day with SPED@ Gold Mine Rm
8:00-4:00 Middle School Hiring
Committee - Jenny
7:00-8:00 State of Gold Rush Parent
Meeting @ Gold Mine
Friday, February 8th
• February 4th – February 8th: Please block out your schedules for
conferences through the online scheduler.
The window for parents opens on February 13th.
• February 12th and 13th
from 10:15-11:35 -3rd grade Reading TCAP
· Turn in your December accommodation sheet to Libby.
· Don’t forget to document February TCAP accommodations
February 28 - We
are going to have two assemblies.
· 9:30 Grades K-2 “Amazing Food Detective”
· 10:45Grades 3-5 will see the performance “Choose Your
February 28 and March 7 – Parent Teacher
Go For the GOLD!
Thank you Karen O’Day, Kerry Dazzio, and Jessica Alvey for stepping up and
helping with
morning duties! You Rock!
• Thank you Lara Castro for helping with the
Spelling Bee.
• Thank you Anita for doing your new job as
Registrar as well as being the health assistant
while we are hiring!
• Thank you to all of our aides, Jenny, Kristi,
and Libby for making vertical staff
development possible.
anyone you want to recognize? Please let
Libby know.
Golden Nuggets
Duty: Lacy/Marchese
Treats: Specials
Announcements & Recycling: Fleet
Supervision: Steckler, Hoff,
Murray-Close, Simpson, Fleet, Kramer
forget your orange vest!