Sunday, December 11, 2016


This Week
* 2:00 Fire drill
* 1st / 2nd Grade planning
* Massages in lower conference room
* Massages in lower conference room
* Subway lunch will be provided for all staff. 
* Staff Development: Winter Cheer
* Reading data entered into IC
Friday - No school
* Please release EPRs by 3:00
* 6:30 Holiday Party

• On Wednesday, Chloe and Hailee Berge will be providing Subway sandwiches and chips for lunch for all staff. Drinks not included.
• Teachers grades 3-5, if you have not done so yet, please copy the accommodations calendar and share it with Libby. Please include students' names and the accommodations they are receiving.
• In appreciation for all you do, we will have Dr. Locke from the Performance clinic available for 10 minute massages next Monday from 9:00-12:00 and Tuesday from 12:30-3:00. Don't miss out! Please remember to sign up on the Sign up Genius linked here.
• Please give Libby 'Giving Tree' gifts by Monday.
• Please join us for our annual holiday cheer during your staff development time. We will meet in the conference room by the office.
• Please remember to enter all reading data into IC by December 15th.
• It's time to celebrate with our GRE family! Please join us for our annual holiday party at Rochelle Evan's house: 23964 E Winter Springs Place, Parker Co Canterbury! A catered dinner will be provided. Bring your own drinks!

Four days before break Kristi said to me, let's keep our san i ty!
Monday - Wear red or green
Tuesday - Wear plaid
Wednesday - Ugly sweater day
Thursday - Sparkle, shimmer, shine

Students from Legend High School would like to offer Chinese classes before school on Wednesdays. They need a cooperating teacher to be in the room with them. If you are interested in supervising this class, please let Libby know. Your only responsibility would be to remain in the room.

Happy Birthday
Allison Hawk - December 12th
Lara Castro - December 17th
Amy Fugier - December 17th

Go For the Gold
• A huge thank you to our staff for providing gifts to our families in need! Your kindness is greatly appreciated!
• Thank you Megan Fleet and Allison Hawk for hosting Appy Hour!
• Thank you Allison Hawk for teaching parents about our robotics during Kindie registration!
• Thank you Anita Rudman for all of the work you did planning and organizing Kindie registration!
• Thank you Karen Petty for the amazing choir performance! Thank you for being flexible!
• Thank you Nicole Moore, Stacie Martino, Becca McMillan, Jessalyn Russell, Abbey Lewis, Bev Holtzer and Lauren Rayens for allowing visitors from Iron Horse to observe your amazing teaching!
• Thank you Rochelle Evans for hosting our holiday party!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hawk
Lounge Duty: Meier, Moore, Woolums

Sunday, December 4, 2016


This Week

• 7:30 Appy hour in the tech lab

• EPR Support from Specialists @ Gold Mine Room (ALP, ESL, RtI, Sped)
• Kindergarten registration

• Jenny Admin Mtg - PM

• 2:45-3:30 Choir concert dress rehearsal for grades 3-5.

• The choir concert will be on Friday at 2:45-3:30 for grades 3-5. They will be dismissed from the gym.
• Staff development this week will be OYO. If you need to collaborate with Sped, they will be available to talk about EPRs in the Gold Mine room during your planning.
• Please include students' DRA/F&P levels in the comments section of the EPRs. Please also communicate if students are receiving extra support.
• 3rd-5th grade teachers, please remember to make a copy of the December accommodations calendar, add your students & accommodations, and share it with Libby.
• Please complete the Istation and DRA/F&P assessments. If you have any students who do not meet the cut scores for Istation and are not currently on a READ plan, let Janet or Stephanie Brown know and they will write the plan with you.
• Please have all DRA/F&P data entered into IC for all students by December 15th. Please make sure your data from the beginning of the year is also entered.
• Our holiday part will be on December 16th at 6:30 at Rochelle Evan's house. We will have a catered dinner, so please complete the RSVP form that Kristi sent last week.
• If you would you like to explore more of the content from the last PLC day, join Megan for Appy hour on Tuesday, December 6th.

• Thank you so much for participating in our 'Giving Tree!' All presents will go to two of our Gold Rush families. Please remember to attach the tag on your wrapped gift and give it to Libby by December 12th. If you would like to make a cash donation, please give it to Janis. 
Click here for the Hour of Code schedule. Please drop your class of at the lab and enjoy the extra plan time!

Happy Birthday
Christy Schwalick - December 5th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Naomi Meredith for putting together our awesome flier! 
• Thank you Anita Rudman for delivering fliers!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Rossi/Graham

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...