Sunday, November 27, 2016

Go Buffs!


This Week
Monday - Welcome Back!

* 7:30 Leadership Team committee
* 1:30-3:30 New Director Visit Carrie Stevenson

* Staff Development: Nuts & Bolts - EPR logistics & expectations, Accommodations, Math RtI



• Our new director, Carrie Stevenson, will be visiting classrooms on Tuesday from 1:30-3:30.  She is excited to see your great work!  Our visit will focus on critical thinking, technology integration (if its happening) and best math practices.  
• Our "Giving Tree" is in the lounge. If you would like to participate, please choose and purchase a gift, wrap it, and give it to Libby with the tag attached. If you would like to donate money, please give it to Janis and we will purchase the remaining gifts.
• Staff development this week will focus on EPRs, Math RtI documentation, accommodations training, and reading assessments.
• Save the Date! Our holiday party will be on Friday, December 16th at 6:30 at Rochelle Evan's house. More details to follow.

Iron Horse in interested in observing Lucy Calkin's writing on December 9 in the afternoon. Please let Jenny know if you are interested in hosting a group of teachers together.

Happy Birthday
Leslie Hathaway - November 29th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Karen Warner for renting ramps so ALL kids could bowl!
• Thank you Christy Schwalick for organizing the collaborative games for indoor recess! Thank you EAs for implementing these games in all classrooms!
• Thank you Kylee Lautenbach for being so flexible with the STEAM lab hiccups!
• Thank you Jamie Marchese and Kristi Barta for covering classes!
• Thank you Nicole Moore for sharing your iPads!
• Thank you Gail Golish for a great book fair!
• Thank you teachers for organizing and hosting our celebration of learning!
• Thank you to the team who provided the delicious pumpkin lunch last Friday!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: McMillan/Robart

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

THANK YOU for a great PLC Day!

November 2016

This Week
* 7:50-3:50 Third grade gemologist in Gold Mine room

* Leadership Team meeting moved to November 29

* There will be no staff development this week, but we do need classroom teachers to share EPRs with all specials teachers (no Megan Fleet) before we leave for Thanksgiving break.
We will have reminder sessions on Wednesday from 7:30-8:15 in the tech lab if you need a refresher on how to do this. 

* Thanksgiving Feast and Celebration of Learning

* Libby admin meeting
* 4:30-6:30 SAC meeting


Click here for Digger's Feast and the Celebration of Learning schedule.  Please make sure your class is on time for Feast.

Holiday Presents for GRE Families
We have been asked to adopt two of our GRE families for the holidays and provide gifts for our students and their siblings. There are two ways to participate if you are interested. First, you can make a cash donation and Libby will go buy and wrap their gifts. The second option is to purchase and wrap the gift on your own and return it to Libby. There will be ornaments hanging in the lounge that will have the specific age/gender/gift idea for each child. You can give the wrapped gift to Libby by December 11th. Please attach the ornament to the gift. Thank you for helping our GRE families!

Stipend for Communicating GRE's Celebrations
Jenny is looking for someone to help share the great things that are happening at Gold Rush with the larger community.  The role would involve sharing information on Facebook, twitter, our website and different community publications weekly and creating and distributing flyers that showcase our great work.  If you are interested in this opportunity please let Jenny know.

District Reorganization 
District Administration further defined their reorganization efforts this week.  The District will be shifting Directors to regions and they will support schools K-12 versus levels (elementary, middle and high school).  The Parker Area will be supported by Carrie Stevenson.  Individuals from other departments (HR, World Class Ed and PD) will also be shifting to regions.  These changes were made to streamline support to schools.  These changes will not impact you directly, but I wanted you to be in the know.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Happy Birthday
Gretchen Immen - November 18th
Kim Layton - November 20th
Kristi Barta - November 25th
Anita Rudman - November 27th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Stephanie Brown, Becca McMillan, Nicole Moore, Jeannette Shepperd, Abbey Lewis, and Ashley Dalcerri for sharing your amazing work during our share shop!
• Thank you Jenny Brown, Nicole Moore, Catherine Graham, Stephanie Brown, Naomi Meredith, Megan Fleet, Kristi Barta, Becca McMillan, Abbey Lewis, Jessalyn Russell, and Allison Hawk for leading tech sessions!
• Thank you Christy Schwalick and Diane Brown for organizing their PLC day!
• Thank you to all staff for your amazing work during our PLC day!
• Thank you Anita Rudman for organizing volunteers for Digger's Feast!
• We are so thankful for our amazing staff! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

If you have anyone you'd like to recognize, please let Libby know.

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge Duty: Zankey/Martino

Sunday, November 6, 2016

November 2016

This Week
* 2nd Grade plan day

* PLC day
* Click here for the Agenda
* Click here for the Technology Session Descriptions - Please Read Prior & Come with an Idea

* No staff development

* 7:30 Mathematical Mindset book study
* 8:00 Admin meeting Jenny
* 1st Grade plan day

* 3rd Grade plan day
* Book Fair set up
* 8:45 Fire Drill

• The library will be closed 11/11-11/18 for the Book Fair.
• See the Digger Family Feast and Celebration of Learning Schedules below.  Please share this
   information with your families on your classroom blogs / webpages.

Thanksgiving Feast & New Celebrations of Learning

We celebrate Thanksgiving as a larger school community by hosting a Thanksgiving feast for students and their families.  Our feast will be held on Wednesday, November 16.  The cost for parents and siblings is $4.00 per person.  You are able make a reservation online now by clicking here.  Gold Rush students will pay using their lunch accounts.  Please bring your printed receipt as your meal ticket . 

This year we are inviting families to the classroom 30 minutes prior to their feast time to celebrate their child's learning.  Some of students' work will showcase learning they've done using their own technology device.

• Click here for the article 7 Principals of an Effective Math Classroom.

Happy Birthday
Kylee Lauterbach - November 11th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you teachers for hosting great Halloween parties!
• Thank you Justin Brakefield for rolling out to carloop duty and wearing a tutu!
• Thank you Megan Fleet, Allison Hawk, Naomi Meredith, Jeannette Shepherd, Abbey Lewis, Nicole Moore, and Kylee Lautenbach for facilitating Appy Hour!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hawk
Lounge Duty: Marchese/Wilson

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...