Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 2015

March 2015

Congratulations Mel & Bev!

Welcome Ayden Laird Steckler
21 and 1/2 inches, 8 lbs 12 ounces

     Tuesday: Leadership Team Meeting @ 8:15
     Wednesday: No staff development (Conferences)
·      Thursday:   Please take all classroom laptops, power cords and Ipad headphones to Gold Mine room by 9 AM / Conferences 4:00-8:00

• Please make sure all students have completed the PARCC practice ELA and MATH tests. Remember that your laptops need to be in the Gold Mine room by Thursday morning. If you would like to use the open lab times between 11:35-12:55, please email Megan Fleet.
If anyone has a pair of noise cancelling headphones that are not being used, please return them to OT or to Mel Berry.  We are trying to find some extras for students that need them.
Please check out the OT Blog to find out more about OT and to have access to ideas for OT related skills.  OT Blog
• If you have any conferences that you would like Jenny or Libby to attend, please let them know.
• Please turn in your midyear reading assessment scores to Kristi, either in her box or electronically.
•  In order to be ready for ‘Workday’ please log into our current ESS (Employee Self Service) and enter missing dependent SSN’s, update emergency contacts and fill in your education.
  Please walk your student out of the building at the end of the day.

Happy Birthday
Tammy Simpson – February 25th
Stephanie Brown – February 27th

Go For the GOLD
• Thank you Specials teachers for a wonderful performance!

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty:  Woolums/Castro         Friday Treats: Third/Fourth
Morning Announcements:  Holtzer
Morning Supervision: Rossi, McMillan, Nolan, Isberg/Nelson, A. Lewis, Rayens

In order for each computer to be checked to ensure it is ready for PARCC testing beginning on Monday, March 2nd, all classroom laptops K-5, ISS, ESL, & RTI need to be dropped off to the Gold Mine Room by 9:00 am on Thursday, February 26th. Megan will have the tables labeled so you know where to drop off your materials. 

Please include:
* classroom laptops (be sure the sticker is on it so it can be returned)
* laptop power cords
* iPad cart headphones

Please note, as of Friday, February 27th all COW carts will also be unavailable so they can be individually checked for PARCC compatibility as well.   

Custodial Request Form
Click here for the custodial request form.

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 2015

·      Wednesday: Conferences – no staff development
·      Thursday: AP meeting – Libby
o   Specials program – 6 pm
• If you have any conferences that you would like Jenny or Libby to attend, please let them know.
• Due to conferences we will not have staff development this week.
• Please turn in your midyear reading assessment scores to Kristi, either in her box or electronically.
• Teachers please submit a class picture to for the yearbook.
  Please walk your student out of the building at the end of the day!
• Please see Technology norms below.

Happy Birthday
Becca McMillan – February 22nd
Liz Pearne – February 22nd

Go For the GOLD
• Thank you teachers for an amazing PLC day!
• Thank you Karen Petty, Karen Warner, and Kerry Dazzio for sharing your expertise on Friday!
• Thank you Megan Fleet for all of your help with PARCC!
• Welcome Belinda Radich!

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Pearne/Steckler       Friday Treats: First/Second
Morning Announcements:  Lautenbach
Morning Supervision: Martino, Woolums, Cieply, Hurley, VanderVeen, Holtzer

Tech Norms
  • No laptops/iPads will be available with subs. Our biggest issues of the year have occurred when subs are supervising technology.
  • Remember, when you check the carts out, you are ultimately responsible for the laptops. It is essential you are actively proctoring at all times.
  • Keep in mind laptops are each $1,000
  • Check to ensure there are 15 laptops in each cart immediately when you receive it and when you return it. If there is one sent to the shop, I will have a sticky note taped to the power cord, if there is not a sticky note assume that it is missing.
  • Inform Megan right away about any laptops/iPads that are missing
  • Devices should be used on desks or solid surfaces where it is easy for you to see what they are doing without them noticing you observing. This is how you can make sure they aren’t emailing/searching when they aren’t suppose to.  
  • 4 responsible kids should be consistently bringing the carts back and forth. You pick the 4 responsible students, please refrain from students picking other students. This is when they are picking their friends and racing through the hallway.
  • Transporting laptops should NOT be considered a movement break for kids or a trust builder.
  • Students should have assigned laptops/iPads that they always use. For example, even if they have a different COW, they always use laptop #2. Then when things go wrong you can tell someone who had the laptop in your class, instead of trying to narrow it down from 250 4th & 5th graders.
  • Your students can “erase” pencil marks or smudges with a wet wipe on the top of the computer, the keyboard, the mousepad, anything EXCEPT the screen.
Custodial Request Form
Click here for the custodial request form.

New Work Day System Will Replace Employee Self Service
Please Complete the Following:
1) Please log into our current ESS (Employee Self Service) and enter missing dependent SSN’s, update emergency contacts and fill in your education.

2) Please Review Your Paystubs on: we complete our transition from Oracle payroll into Workday, please go out and review your recent pay stubs ensuring that you have been and are being paid as expected.  If any expected hours or additional pays or changes in status are not reflected in your March 20, 2015 pay check, the last day to make any manual pay adjustments for the current pay day will be March 27, 2015.   Please know again, that the deadline to submit any of these changes in status is February 25, 2015 (it’s a short month)!  Your pay reflected on your March 20, 2015 pay check will represent your pay data that will be transferred into Workday to inform yourApril 20, 2015 pay check.  Please help us to help you in ensuring the greatest success possible in our Go – Live Payroll in Workday effective April 20, 2015. 

Clicking here to view your pay stubs and your W-2s for last year.
Access ID = DCSDK12
User Name = First name initial, middle name initial and last name (bjbetz for Bonnie Betz)
Password = last 4 digits of your social security number

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Happy Valentines Week!

February 2015

·      Tuesday: Comprehension and Technology Class 4:14-6:30
·     Wednesday: Staff Meeting: PARCC Training 8:30 in the Gold Mine Room
o   Rotating sub for READ Plans 
o   Director's Visit @ 2:00-4:00 
o   Optional Valentine’s staff development

·      Thursday: Admin Mtg - Jenny & Valentine’s Parties
·      Friday: PLC Day - Click here for the agenda

• PARCC training will take place on Wednesday morning from 8:30-8:50 in the Gold Mine room. This is required for teacher in grades 3-5, and all special services teachers (special education) who might be proctoring PARCC.
• If you know you are going to be absent please remind your students about visiting the health room only for emergencies.
• Teachers, please remember to rate your substitute teachers after they have been in your classroom.
• Please turn in your midyear reading assessment scores to Kristi, either in her box or electronically.
• Due to our planning days staff development will be optional and filled with Valentine's fun this week.
  In order to complete state assessments in a timely, efficient manner, all laptop carts will be needed during the testing window: March 2-13, April 21st – 23rd, May 5 – 13. All classroom laptops will also be needed during this time. Thank you for your flexibility!

New Work Day System Set to Replace Employee Self Service
Please Complete the Following:
1) Please log into our current ESS (Employee Self Service) and enter missing dependent SSN’s, update emergency contacts and fill in your education.

2) Please Review Your Paystubs on: we complete our transition from Oracle payroll into Workday, please go out and review your recent pay stubs ensuring that you have been and are being paid as expected.  If any expected hours or additional pays or changes in status are not reflected in your March 20, 2015 pay check, the last day to make any manual pay adjustments for the current pay day will be March 27, 2015.   Please know again, that the deadline to submit any of these changes in status is February 25, 2015 (it’s a short month)!  Your pay reflected on your March 20, 2015 pay check will represent your pay data that will be transferred into Workday to inform yourApril 20, 2015 pay check.  Please help us to help you in ensuring the greatest success possible in our Go – Live Payroll in Workday effective April 20, 2015. 

Again, please login into ATS at:  to view your pay stubs and your W-2s for last year.
Access ID = DCSDK12
User Name = First name initial, middle name initial and last name – for example, bjbetz for Bonnie Betz
Password = last 4 digits of your social security number

Happy Birthday
Naomi Meredith – February 14th

Go For the GOLD
• Thank you teacher for all of your hard work during your planning days!
• Thank you Kristi for helping facilitate and arranging subs!

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Graham/Murray-Close        Friday Treats: No Treats
Morning Announcements:  Rayens
Morning Supervision: Steckler, Graham, Murray-Close, Simpson, Wilson, Hawk

Custodial Request Form
Click here for the new request form.
* All work orders must be entered in this form to be completed.

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...