February 2015
March 2015
Congratulations Mel & Bev!
Welcome Ayden Laird Steckler
21 and 1/2 inches, 8 lbs 12 ounces
Tuesday: Leadership Team Meeting @ 8:15
Wednesday: No staff development (Conferences)
Thursday: Please take all classroom laptops, power cords and Ipad headphones to Gold Mine room by 9 AM / Conferences
• Please make
sure all students have completed the PARCC practice ELA and MATH tests.
Remember that your laptops need to be in the Gold Mine room by Thursday
morning. If you would like to use the open lab times between 11:35-12:55,
please email Megan Fleet.
• If anyone has a pair of noise cancelling headphones that
are not being used, please return them to OT or to Mel Berry. We are trying
to find some extras for students that need them.
check out the OT Blog to find out more about OT and to have access to ideas for
OT related skills. OT Blog
• If you have
any conferences that you would like Jenny or Libby to attend, please let them
Please turn in your midyear reading assessment scores to Kristi, either in her
box or electronically.
• In order to be ready for ‘Workday’ please log
into our current ESS (Employee Self Service) and enter missing dependent SSN’s,
update emergency contacts and fill in your education.
• Please walk your student out of the building
at the end of the day.
Happy Birthday
Tammy Simpson –
February 25th
Stephanie Brown
– February 27th
Go For the GOLD
• Thank you Specials
teachers for a wonderful performance!
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Woolums/Castro Friday
Treats: Third/Fourth
Announcements: Holtzer
Supervision: Rossi, McMillan, Nolan, Isberg/Nelson, A. Lewis, Rayens
order for each computer to be checked to ensure it is ready for PARCC testing
beginning on Monday, March 2nd, all classroom laptops K-5, ISS, ESL, & RTI need to be dropped
off to the Gold Mine Room by 9:00 am on Thursday, February 26th. Megan will have the tables
labeled so you know where to drop off your materials.
classroom laptops (be sure the sticker is on it so it can be returned)
laptop power cords
iPad cart headphones
note, as of Friday, February 27th all COW carts will also be unavailable so
they can be individually checked for PARCC compatibility as well.